ONE THING on Sneaky Workshopping

Workshopping is a technique for working with a group of people to create something together. It’s used by the most effective product leaders to generate ideas, solicit feedback, and gain alignment with stakeholders.

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Involving your stakeholders in the development of goals, priorities, or the solution to a problem creates a kind of buy-in that is not possible when one person simply takes charge and announces a plan. The old trick of getting people to accept an idea by making them think it was their idea (or actually making it their idea) is not only good advice, it’s rooted in science.

Want more tricks? Join the Early Reader Club: Aligned community, which is turning into a terrific group of people sharing and coaching each other with their stakeholder challenges. Join us.

Your Roadmap Sucks
Phil Hornby, a coach at Product Culture, will be speaking on Your Roadmap Sucks! at the Product Growth Conference in Timisoara, Romania, October 26-27. We have two free tickets to give away. Ping us.