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#ProductboardStrikes: Meet Productboard’s first brand campaign

#ProductboardStrikes: Meet Productboard’s first brand campaign

At Productboard, we champion customer-centric product management: the practice of putting the customer at the center of all product decisions, actively seeking out customer feedback, and prioritizing based on customer needs.

It’s this idea of customer-centricity that anchors Productboard’s first brand campaign: Strikethrough.

With Strikethrough, we choose to take aim at the internal stakeholders who attempt to override the voice of the customer and deprioritize them from product decisions. Instead, we put the customer back at the center of product creation and feature prioritization.

We hope you enjoy it.

Productboard billboards at Heathrow Airport

And as a show of our own customer-centricity, below you’ll find the original creative we took to market:

Along with our new creative:

Edits are based on actual customer feedback gathered after our initial concepts went live.

There are many different misnomers about product managers and the idea of product management in general. What do you think Productboard should strikethrough next? Share your thoughts on social using #ProductboardStrikes

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