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Product Development

The 8 Best Product Management Apps in 2023

March 17, 2023

Ah, product management. The exciting (yet nerve-wracking) life of creating products before you put your beloved creations out into the world and hold your breath, waiting to see if they’ll sink or swim.

But fear not, my dear readers, for there are tools out there to help you navigate these choppy waters! In this blog post, we'll be diving into the wonderful world of product management and showcasing the eight best apps in 2023.

Buckle up, because we're about to take a ride through the most innovative, user-friendly, and intuitive product management apps on the market.

What Are Product Management Apps?

Product management apps are tools designed to help product managers and their teams plan, develop, and launch products more efficiently and effectively. These apps provide a centralized location to manage all aspects of the product development process, including roadmapping, backlog management, team collaboration, and more.

One of the primary benefits of product management apps is they allow teams to work more cohesively and stay aligned around a common set of goals and objectives. By centralizing information and providing a shared workspace for collaboration, these apps can help reduce miscommunication and prevent the siloing of information that often occurs in large or complex organizations. They can also help automate routine tasks and processes, freeing up time for product managers to focus on higher-value activities like strategy and innovation.

Here are additional key features of product management apps:

  • Roadmap planning: Create and share product roadmaps with stakeholders, track progress, and communicate changes in the plan
  • Idea management: Facilitate the collection, organization, and prioritization of new product ideas from various sources, such as customer feedback, internal teams, and market research
  • Requirements management: Capture, define, and track product requirements, including user stories, use cases, and acceptance criteria
  • Collaboration and communication: Promote collaboration among cross-functional teams, facilitate communication between team members, and provide a centralized platform for project-related discussions
  • Agile project management: Tools that support agile development methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, by providing features such as sprint planning, task boards, burndown charts, and backlog management
  • Analytics and reporting: Track and analyze product metrics, such as usage data, customer feedback, and revenue, and generate reports for stakeholders

Benefits of product team apps include:

  • Improved collaboration and communication among teams
  • Greater visibility and transparency into the product development process
  • More efficient product development cycles
  • Better alignment between product strategy and business goals
  • Enhanced decision-making based on data and insights

Product management apps have become increasingly important for product managers in today's fast-paced and competitive business environment. These tools provide a basecamp for managing and executing product development processes, improving collaboration and communication among cross-functional teams, and helping product managers make data-driven decisions.

By leveraging the features and benefits of product management tools, product managers can accelerate their product development cycles, align their product strategies with their business goals, and ultimately release better products that meet the needs and expectations of their customers.

Worry-free, automated beta testing. Easily build your user tests, collect feedback, collaborate with testers, and improve your product release.

What should you look for in product management apps?

Selecting the right product management apps to support your product development ensures that you meet your goals and your product meets the needs of your users.

When evaluating tools, it's important to keep in mind the objectives of your product and your team. Here are some factors to consider:

Ease of Use

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing product management apps is how easy they are to use.

A tool that is complicated or requires extensive training can slow down the development process and make it more difficult for teams to work together effectively. Look for an app that has a user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation, and clear documentation.

Collaboration Features

Building products often involves multiple teams working together, so it’s essential to have a product management app that enables collaboration and breaks down silos.

Look for apps that offer features such as real-time chat, task assignments, and commenting to make it easy for teams to work together and stay on the same page.

Integration Capabilities

Many organizations use a variety of different tools and platforms, so it’s essential to choose a product management tool that can integrate with other tools and services.

Look for apps that offer integrations with commonly used platforms such as Jira, Slack, and Salesforce. Additionally, platforms that offer open APIs can enable custom integrations, allowing businesses to build custom workflows and connect to a broader range of tools and services.

Analytics and Metrics

Measuring your success is crucial, so it’s important to choose a product management tool that provides good analytics and metrics.

Look for tools that offer insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) such as user engagement, adoption rates, and bug resolution time. Additionally, tools that offer customizable reporting and data visualization features can help teams better understand the data and communicate it to stakeholders.


Every organization has unique needs and requirements, so it’s essential to choose a product management tool that can be customized to fit those needs.

Apps that offer customizable workflows, fields, and automations are exactly what you want. Apps that offer APIs or custom integrations can allow for even greater customization and flexibility.


When it comes to developing products, data security is critical.

We recommend using product management tools that offer robust security features such as multi-factor authentication, access controls, and data encryption.

Customer Support

When using a product management app — or any app — it’s essential to have reliable customer support in case issues arise.

Seek an app that offers comprehensive customer support, including documentation, live chat, phone support, and email support.

In addition to these factors, it's important to consider your budget and timeline for product development, as well as the specific features and functionality that your product team requires.

By carefully evaluating product management apps based on these factors, you can select a tool that helps you operate a successful product development process.

Top 8 Product Management Apps in 2023

Here are the eight best product management software apps available today:

1. Productboard

One roadmap app to rule them all…

Top Product Management Apps - ProductBoard

The crème de la crème of product management apps. This bad boy has everything a product manager could ever want and more. Say hello to roadmap feedback, roadmap mapping, and progress tracking, all in one handy-dandy platform. Plus, it plays well with others. You can integrate it with other project management tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana, so you can keep all your product management ducks in a row. Don’t forget about those customizable workflows and user-friendly interfaces that make ProductBoard a breeze to use.

Productboard Features

  • Centralize and manage feature requests from multiple sources
  • Plan and prioritize product features
  • Track user behavior to better understand how users are interacting with your product
  • Integrate with popular tools for seamless coordination between product and development teams

Productboard Pricing

Productboard has a free plan called Starter that supports 1 roadmap and collaboration with unlimited “makers.” If you want unlimited roadmaps, products, and features, you’ll need to look at their paid plans which start at $20/month/maker.

2. Zapier

… and one product app to bind them.

Top Product Management Apps - Zapier

Zapier is so easy to use that even Nancy from Finances could be setting up automated workflows in no time. With Zapier's drag-and-drop interface and pre-built templates, you can integrate over 3,000 apps without writing a single line of code. If you want to save time, reduce errors, and streamline your product management process, give Zapier a try. Then you’ll finally have some extra time to take up that new hobby you've been eyeing. Underwater basket weaving, was it?

Zapier Features

  • With hundreds of app integrations, you can connect apps that don’t have native integrations
  • Simplify the process of automating tasks, such as sending notifications and collecting data
  • Easily collect, analyze, and share data with other apps like Google Sheets
  • Multi-step Zaps enable you to automate complex workflows making work efficient and effective

Zapier Pricing

Zapier has a free forever plan that allows 100 tasks a month but no multi-step Zaps. Their paid plans start at $19.99/month and give access to more tasks, multi-step Zaps, premium app integrations, and custom logic paths.

3. TangoCard

Because let’s be honest, who doesn’t like money?

Top Product Management Apps - TangoCard

This rewards platform empowers businesses to engage and motivate their employees and customers with a wide array of prizes. Whether you're seeking to incentivize sales targets, recognize staff accomplishments, or express gratitude for customer loyalty, TangoCard has you covered. With a vast selection of rewards that encompasses popular gift cards, digital subscriptions, non-profit donations, and more, there is something for everyone.

TangoCard Features

  • Incentivize your team and customers with personalized rewards
  • Easily manage and distribute rewards, saving you time and hassle
  • Empower your team to feel valued and heard with a variety of reward options like digital gift cards and donations to charity

TangoCard Pricing

TangoCard’s software is free to use but you’ll obviously have to pay for each gift card you send to your testers. There’s also a 3.5% transaction fee to fund your TangoCard account.

4. Tableau

Visualize your data like a boss.

Top Product Management Apps - Tableau

Hey — we know data visualization isn't the most exciting topic, but stick with us. Tableau is a powerful tool that allows you to visualize program data with product analytics and deeper dashboards. It's like a superhero for your data, turning it into valuable insights that can help you improve your final product.

Tableau Features

  • Quickly and easily make sense of complex data
  • Monitor metrics in real-time and make data-driven decisions
  • Create customized dashboards and reports with drag-and-drop interfaces
  • Visualize geographic data related to your product such as regional usage patterns

Tableau Pricing

To deploy Tableau, you’ll need at least one Creator license which starts at $70/user/month. After that, you can add lower-tier licenses for executives or other business users who don’t need access to the full suite of features.

5. Jira

Your new favorite product app to manage chaos.

Top Product Management Apps - Jira

When you’re ready to work smarter, not harder, meet Jira. With Jira, you can plan, track, and manage software projects of any size with ease. Its user-friendly interface enables teams to visualize their workflows and collaborate seamlessly in real-time, no matter where they’re located. Jira's Agile project management capabilities make it easy to break down complex projects into manageable tasks and track progress toward goals.

Jira Features

  • Customizable workflows create a streamlined process for tracking and managing tasks
  • Issue tracking and reporting features enable you to easily log and monitor issues 
  • Collaboration and communication tools, such as comments and mentions, make it easy to keep your team in sync and ensure everyone is aware of any updates or changes
  • Jira's agile project management methodology, which includes the use of sprints and backlogs, can be useful for organizing and prioritizing tasks and feedback

Jira Pricing

Jira offers cloud-based and self-hosted options with pricing based on the number of users and additional features. The cloud-based option has Free, Standard for $7.75 per user/month, and Premium for $15.25 per user/month, while the self-hosted option offers a perpetual license for a whopping 42,000 United States dollars with additional fees for maintenance and support after the first year.

6. HubSpot

A command center for growth and success.

Top Product Management Apps - HubSpot

HubSpot is a top-tier platform that helps product managers up their game in a big way. This one-stop shop brings together everything from marketing and sales to customer support and analytics in a single, intuitive interface. This means that you can get a bird's-eye view of your entire product lifecycle, making it easier to manage and optimize every stage of development. And if you're feeling overwhelmed by all of the features, don't worry — Hubspot's helpful support team is there to lend a hand.

HubSpot Features

  • Forms and landing page builders can be used to create custom sign-up forms for potential clients
  • Lead capture tools can be used to track and manage sign-ups, allowing you to easily follow up with interested customers
  • Create targeted email campaigns to reach out to prospects and keep them engaged throughout the customer journey
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) features allow you to easily track and manage communication with customers

HubSpot Pricing

HubSpot has several premium products called “Hubs” that unlock additional functionality in your dashboard when purchased: marketing, sales, customer service, operations, and CMS. Each hub starts at $45/month, except CMS which starts at $23/month. HubSpot also has the popular free forever CRM it's most known for.

7. Slack

Collaboration nirvana.

Top Product Management Apps - Slack

Slack is a team communication and collaboration tool that's great for keeping your team in the loop. With Slack, you can create dedicated channels, and bring everyone involved in the process together, from developers to product to marketing. Plus, with features like file sharing and integrations, you can keep all of your information in one place!

Slack Features

  • Create dedicated spaces for your team to communicate and collaborate
  • Quickly and easily communicate with individuals or groups through direct messages
  • Collaborate with clients and vendors through Slack Connect 
  • Share important documents and feedback with your team
  • Find and review past conversations and feedback using Slack’s robust search functionality

Slack Pricing

The communication giant has a free plan that will serve most users' needs forever. But, if you want access to unlimited message history, apps, and integration, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan starting at $7.25/person/month.

8. ChatGPT

AI so good, you’ll rethink who’s really runnin’ the show.

Top Product Management Apps - ChatGPT

ChatGPT can be a uniquely useful tool for product management by analyzing feedback collected and identifying common themes or issues. This can help product managers make data-driven decisions on what changes need to be made within seconds. Plus, it won't judge you if you ask it about the meaning of life for the fourteenth time.

ChatGPT Features

  • Assist with data analysis by extracting key insights from product feedback and organizing it in a digestible format
  • Provide personalized recommendations to customer audiences based on their individual preferences and usage patterns
  • Help with onboarding and training by creating a large number of internal documentation and guides

ChatGPT Pricing

ChatGPT is free however, it may prevent you from accessing its platform during periods of heavy traffic. A paid plan called ChatGPT Plus is available for $20/month if you want access even when demand is high and faster response speed.

The Leading Product Management App for Beta Testing: Centercode

Your ultimate weapon for beta testing and product feedback.

Centercode - Your ultimate weapon for beta testing and product feedback.

Centercode specializes in helping businesses simplify their beta testing process. Our platform offers a wide range of tools and features designed to help businesses manage feedback, track bugs, and analyze data. With Centercode, businesses can improve their products, reduce costs, and accelerate their time to market. Think of us as the perfect wingman for your product development team, making the whole beta testing process a lot less stressful.

Centercode isn't just another tedious product app. With gamification features like badges and leaderboards, Centercode turns beta testing into a contest, bringing out the inner competitor in every tester.

Centercode Features

Because Centercode was built for beta testing, we have hundreds of features that support beta testing, however, here are the most popular features:

  • Test Planning: Build your test plan to focus testers on product features on a schedule
  • Tester Activities: Actions that tell testers what you’d like them to do
  • Collect Issues: Gather bugs, defects, and problems from testers
  • Collect Ideas: Capture product suggestions to inform your product roadmap and improvements
  • Collect Praise: Gather delights and testimonials about your product
  • Regression Testing: Test and re-test features in a single, ongoing project
  • Content Management: Host documentation, files, and guides for your testers
  • Collaboration and Voting: Testers can comment and upvote feedback to increase its popularity
  • Digital Agreements: Secure, searchable tester agreements or legal documents
  • Engagement Bot: Centercode’s engagement bot keeps your test running smoothly behind the scenes
  • Interactive Dashboards: Visualize data like tester engagement, features, and product success
  • Technographic Profiles: Segment users by the technology they use
  • Community Surveys: Engage your entire community with in-depth surveys
  • Referral System: Expand your program through referrals and find your best evangelists

Centercode Pricing

Centercode has a free plan that grants access to up to 50 testers, one project, custom branding, and all core beta testing features. Paid plans start at $39/month/builder and give access to advanced testing features including community surveys, unlimited projects, digital agreements, custom feedback types, automation, API access, and a lot more.

In addition to these must-have tools, there are a few other things you should keep in mind when it comes to product management:

  1. Customer focus: At its core, product management is about creating products that solve customer problems and meet their needs. It's essential to have a deep understanding of your customers, their pain points, and their goals so that you can develop products that resonate with them.
  1. Data management: Data is only valuable if it is effectively utilized. Collecting and storing data is just the beginning; to truly leverage the value of data, it must be analyzed and interpreted to draw actionable insights. This necessitates the use of appropriate tools and the application of specialized expertise to process and extract meaningful information from the data.
  1. Iterative process: Creating great products is an iterative process. It involves testing and validating assumptions, gathering feedback, and making adjustments. Product managers must be comfortable with uncertainty and able to pivot quickly based on new information. Continuous improvement is essential to keep products relevant and successful over time.

Now that you know how to use these product management apps, get ready to launch your next product with confidence and pride.

Save time managing your beta tests and product feedback with Centercode. From a single platform, you can plan your test, create activities, manage feedback, communicate with testers, monitor KPIs, integrate your tech stack, and infinitely much more. Sign up now and run a FREE beta test today.

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