
The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization


Every business has a strategic responsibility to improve Conversion Rate Optimization—and the key to improving conversion in your product is to never stop asking questions. If you’re stuck wondering: “What causes most users to leave?” Or, “Are there any specific places people get stuck?” And, “Is the issue a technical breakdown, or is it the UX flow?

4 Approaches to Data Analytics

The world of data analytics is changing fast as organizations look to gain competitive advantages through the application of timely data. As the analytics landscape has evolved, application teams who need to embed dashboards, reports, and other analytics capabilities in their commercial and corporate applications can choose from dozens of solutions.

Cassandra Data Modeling Guide to Best Practices

Are you a developer, database architect, or database administrator that's new to Cassandra but have been tasked with developing a Cassandra schema design? Learn the basic rules to keep in mind when designing your schema for Cassandra.

11 Email Deliverability Strategies to Reach the Inbox

Marketers highly value email as an effective, reliable channel to engage with your audience and drive revenue for your company. Yet, to reap the benefits, you must ensure your campaigns reach their intended recipients. Data Axle’s deliverability experts developed this guide to help you overcome the challenges that stand in the way of optimal inboxing.

10 Rules for Managing Apache Kafka

Kafka is a powerful piece of software that can solve a lot of problems. Like most libraries and frameworks, you get out of it what you put into it. Learn ten rules that will help you perfect your Kafka system to get ahead.

5 Reasons Why Choosing Apache Cassandra® Is Planning for a Multi-Cloud Future

Discover the reasons why choosing Apache Cassandra as a primary data store ensures that any future migrations to a different cloud provider or adoption of true multi-cloud are simple and easy.

Understanding Open Source Business Models for the C-Suite

Choosing software to bake into your architecture is a long-term decision and it is important to understand all the implications of your choice. Learn three key areas that should be considered when evaluating a particular open source project.

Rightpoint Launches Cadillac's Reimagined In-Vehicle Experience

Every company is either an experience company today or will need to reinvent themselves to become one. Because experience - how we make people feel - is the final competitive differentiator for any organization. An early believer in the power of experience, Cadillac looked outside of the automotive industry to reimagine the user experience of the Cadillac brand and redefine what luxury is in a digitally enabled world.

How to Generate Revenue Using Software Intelligence


Add More Opportunities to Your Pipeline. Did you know there are people who already use and love your software, but aren't paying for it? Compliance analytics allow you to quantify unlicensed use of your products and accelerate your revenue recovery efforts. With these best practices, you will learn how you can: Uncover a new, untapped revenue channel.

Making Software Pirates Pay: An E-Commerce Playbook


An E-Commerce Conversion Playbook. Vendors large and small have been using software intelligence to understand who is using unlicensed versions of their software so they can develop data-driven strategies to identify and convert unpaid users, generating new license revenue. This playbook will show you: Why you should pursue a strategy of converting unpaid users into paying customers.

7 Tips for Developing an In-Application Messaging Strategy


Use In-App Messaging to Drive Unlicensed Users to Your Cart. Software vendors are always looking for new ways to convert prospects to customers; and if you're selling your software online, driving and converting shopping cart traffic is crucial to driving new revenue. You will learn how to: Identify unpaid users of your software. Alert these users of their unlicensed status.

5 Key Elements for Building a Successful Data-Driven Product

Leading brands and local businesses alike are tapping into varied business and consumer data to power their products and meet consumers’ ever-evolving needs. But companies need to remember that a product can only be as good as the data that powers it. When selecting data providers, companies must ensure they’re tapping into comprehensive, high-quality streams of fresh information which can be easily integrated into their products in a privacy-compliant manner.

The Retailer’s Playbook for Customer Acquisition

The economic disruption of 2020 has left retailers facing a host of barriers to growth. Now more than ever – one need remains consistent: a successful customer acquisition program. We developed this guide to help retailers build a data-centric acquisition program that lowers their acquisition costs, eliminates wasteful spending, attracts high-value customers and provides a competitive advantage in a tight market.

10 Keys to AI Success in 2021

Data Robot

Capitalizing on the incredible potential of AI means having a coherent AI strategy that you can operationalize within your existing processes. But it’s not always easy for organizations to do. In our 10 Keys to AI Success in 2021 eBook, we draw from the engaging conversations we’ve had with guests on our More Intelligent Tomorrow podcast series to show how organizations are overcoming hurdles and realizing the enormous rewards that AI can bring to any organization.

MLOps 101: The Foundation for Your AI Strategy

Data Robot

Many organizations are dipping their toes into machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). However, for most organizations embarking on this transformational journey, the results remain to be seen. And for those who are already underway, scaling their results across their organizations is completely uncharted waters. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) allows organizations to alleviate many of the issues on the path to AI with ROI by providing a technological backbone for managing the mac

How to Choose an AI Vendor

Data Robot

You know you want to invest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to take full advantage of the wealth of available data at your fingertips. But rapid change, vendor churn, hype and jargon make it increasingly difficult to choose an AI vendor. This report explores why it is so challenging to choose an AI vendor and what you should consider as you seek a partner in AI.

PROJECT TO PRODUCT: Building the Right Thing in the Right Way

Old and out-of-date project management principles are still very much in place in countless organizations. However, organizations are finding the solution to their problems, and the solution is Product Agility. Download this whitepaper to learn more!

Realizing the Benefits of Automated Machine Learning

Data Robot

While everyone is talking about machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), how are organizations actually using this technology to derive business value? Renowned author and professor Tom Davenport conducted an in-depth study (sponsored by DataRobot) on how organizations have become AI-driven using automated machine learning. In this white paper, Davenport explains the rise of automated machine learning, its benefits, and success stories from businesses that are already using it to reali