
The 10 KPIs Every Product Leader Needs to Know

We’re all facing a major paradox. Product teams have access to tons of data these days—volumes more than we’ve ever had before. But the sheer scale of what's available has many of us at a loss for how to best harness it all to measure product success. This situation has become colloquially known as “analysis paralysis.” Overcoming it requires knowing exactly which metrics are the most important to track.

The Practical Guide to Using a Semantic Layer for Data & Analytics

Learn how and why the world’s most data-driven organizations use a semantic layer for speed of thought query performance and consistent KPIs across all of their BI/AI tools, such as Excel, Power BI, Tableau, Looker, Databricks, DataRobot, and H20, using a live data connection to Snowflake, Google BigQuery, Databricks, Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Azure Synapse and more.

The Ultimate UI Checklist for Enterprise Applications

Validating UI design can be an endless task––make sure you’re not missing out on the essentials. This Ultimate UI Checklist ensures you’re doing everything right, from navigation to accessibility, layouts to forms, and much, much more.

Better Learning, Better Results: A Guide for Product and Project Leaders

94% of product and project teams have some learning process in place. But unless they translate their learning into new behaviors, they won’t improve their outcomes. Learn the 4 key steps to effective learning and position your product and project teams for continuous improvement. This guide covers the best practices that will allow you to: Get visibility into your team’s blockers and bottlenecks.

The Modern Encryption Software Checklist: The Secret to Understanding Your Data Security Needs

Understanding your data security needs is tough enough, but what can be even more difficult is choosing the right software to fit your company. Fortunately, there is a solution. The following checklist is built to help you evaluate the scope of services offered by various encryption solutions on the market and covers questions on the following topics: Encryption.

The Digital Experience Insights Report


In the Heap Digital Experience Insights Report, we examine anonymized data from hundreds of customers and thousands of user funnels in order to quantify the information teams are missing. Assumptions don’t have to guide you anymore. Heap’s unbiased insights will pinpoint the opportunities with the greatest potential for business impact. Questions you’ll get answered: Where is the unseen drop off in my product?

How to Accelerate Product Sales Virtually

Everyone sells online these days, but outselling the (virtual) competition requires following a few key principles. Yellowfin CEO Glen Rabie shares his insights on resonating with buyers in this short video.

The Rapid Innovation Sprint as an Accelerator for Your Big Idea

Rapid Innovation Sprints (RISE) help companies incubate greenfield digital product ideas that have the potential to radically transform their business. The techniques of RISE help to uncover game-changing opportunities with structure, collaboration, and commitment. Bring your next amazing idea to life!

Product Management: Guide to Thriving as a Product Manager

Being a Product Manager can be incredibly rewarding. In the best of scenarios, they craft their product’s vision, influence the process of bringing their product to life, and gain first-hand knowledge of how their product is directly impacting people. Even when supporting mature products, they tend to gain a fundamental understanding of user issues and frequently become the driver for solving those issues.

Re-Thinking Translation for Business Growth in a Digital-First World

Effective localization is critical to business expansion. But traditional translation processes can't keep pace with today's agile, omnichannel realities. Read our eBook to discover the limitless possibilities uncovered by agile translation management.

Leading Advertising and Analytics Company Outperforms With a Graph Database

Xandr, a division of AT&T, has built an identity graph that connects information on people, households, and more. The company is using this graph to provide advertisers an ability to deliver commercials more successfully than ever before. Download the case study to learn more!

The Path to Becoming a Better Product Manager


You can’t become an outstanding product manager overnight, but becoming one is almost always obtainable – this article by ProdPad’s Wes Galliher will help you understand your goal, and help you take incremental steps to improve in order to get there.

6 Ways to Secure (More Of) a Budget for Your Customer Education Program


Whether you’re looking to kickstart or expand your customer education program, you need access to a budget. Learn how you can demonstrate the positive ROI of customer training and make the case for securing a larger budget in our latest eBook!

Build vs. Buy: Implementing the Right Experimentation Solution

Choosing Whether to Build or Buy. To build and deliver products that customers love, product teams at leading enterprises such as Uber, Netflix and Airbnb are focusing on experimentation as a critical business process. These teams are empowered to A/B test each new feature and gain valuable insights before rolling it out widely. After seeing what these companies accomplish with experimentation, you may be considering whether to build your own testing framework, integrate an open source solution,

The ultimate guide to effective remote collaboration

After months of constant mailing and skyping with our clients, we combined all the insights into the “Guide to effective remote collaboration.” Download the free PDF and learn how to succeed in collaboration with your distributed team.

The Product Cloud: An Integrated Toolchain Transforming Product Management

Explore how this integrated tool chain will transform modern product management. Authored by leaders in each category, this eBook offers definitive insight and advice on the key workflows integral to the success of modern product teams.

Take training beyond your LMS: technical considerations for extended enterprise

You know the benefits of extended enterprise. But how do you execute the plan? Learn more about the technical considerations that can help you create a strategy to manage the delivery and tracking of product training across a variety of systems.

Mind the Product Gap: Retention is critical for every product, whether you're a Fortune 500 or a startup

Until now, most available resources only list tactics and “growth hacks,” offering little guidance on developing a comprehensive retention strategy. The Product Analytics Playbook: Mastering Retention fills that gap; it's the culmination of years of working with the industry's top product teams and retention experts.