We all want a world where everyone has equal access to digital information, just as we want all online experiences to be equitable. UX has a critical role in making that future possible. Many in the UX space reiterate that “knowing your audience” is paramount to developing great user experience, and that empathy is the cornerstone of UX. But in a world where profits often matter more than people, how can we personally build a nuanced understanding of inclusive design and get our teams to commit to it?

Join Bronwen Rees, Author and Lead Product Designer at Xero, for a conversation that digs deeper than the recycled buzzwords. This session will cover:

  • What inclusive design is, and why it's important
  • What biases are and how to avoid them
  • Ways to practice inclusivity within design
  • What you can do on both an individual level and a community level to promote inclusion

March 30th, 2022 at 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST, 7:00 pm GMT


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