
5 Key Elements for Building a Successful Data-Driven Product

Leading brands and local businesses alike are tapping into varied business and consumer data to power their products and meet consumers’ ever-evolving needs. But companies need to remember that a product can only be as good as the data that powers it. When selecting data providers, companies must ensure they’re tapping into comprehensive, high-quality streams of fresh information which can be easily integrated into their products in a privacy-compliant manner.

The Retailer’s Playbook for Customer Acquisition

The economic disruption of 2020 has left retailers facing a host of barriers to growth. Now more than ever – one need remains consistent: a successful customer acquisition program. We developed this guide to help retailers build a data-centric acquisition program that lowers their acquisition costs, eliminates wasteful spending, attracts high-value customers and provides a competitive advantage in a tight market.

10 Keys to AI Success in 2021

Data Robot

Capitalizing on the incredible potential of AI means having a coherent AI strategy that you can operationalize within your existing processes. But it’s not always easy for organizations to do. In our 10 Keys to AI Success in 2021 eBook, we draw from the engaging conversations we’ve had with guests on our More Intelligent Tomorrow podcast series to show how organizations are overcoming hurdles and realizing the enormous rewards that AI can bring to any organization.

MLOps 101: The Foundation for Your AI Strategy

Data Robot

Many organizations are dipping their toes into machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). However, for most organizations embarking on this transformational journey, the results remain to be seen. And for those who are already underway, scaling their results across their organizations is completely uncharted waters. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) allows organizations to alleviate many of the issues on the path to AI with ROI by providing a technological backbone for managing the mac

How to Choose an AI Vendor

Data Robot

You know you want to invest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to take full advantage of the wealth of available data at your fingertips. But rapid change, vendor churn, hype and jargon make it increasingly difficult to choose an AI vendor. This report explores why it is so challenging to choose an AI vendor and what you should consider as you seek a partner in AI.

PROJECT TO PRODUCT: Building the Right Thing in the Right Way

Old and out-of-date project management principles are still very much in place in countless organizations. However, organizations are finding the solution to their problems, and the solution is Product Agility. Download this whitepaper to learn more!

Realizing the Benefits of Automated Machine Learning

Data Robot

While everyone is talking about machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), how are organizations actually using this technology to derive business value? Renowned author and professor Tom Davenport conducted an in-depth study (sponsored by DataRobot) on how organizations have become AI-driven using automated machine learning. In this white paper, Davenport explains the rise of automated machine learning, its benefits, and success stories from businesses that are already using it to reali

7 Data-Driven Lead Generation Strategies That Drive Growth

Delivering sales-ready leads is a constant challenge for B2B marketers. Check out these 7 strategies to find and target high-value prospects who are ready to buy, and motivate them to act. Get the free guide.

Going Beyond Account-Based Marketing: Why ABM-i is the Wave of the Future

Evolve beyond account-based marketing and create a hyper-personalized approach that considers stakeholders as individuals. Learn 8 strategies to use data and technology to create scalable yet personalized ABM programs. Download the guide.

Cloud-Scale Monitoring With AWS and Datadog


In this eBook, find out about the benefits and complexities of migrating workloads to AWS, and dive into services that AWS offers for containers and serverless computing. Find out the key performance metrics for each service to track in order to ensure workloads are operating efficiently. Lastly, learn how a monitoring solution like Datadog can easily track every stage of a migration to AWS as well as the performance of each of your AWS services side-by-side.

Believe the Hype? Not All Tech Trends Live Up to Their Reputation

What E-Commerce Performance Metrics Are CTOs Monitoring?


In this eBook, Danny Miles, CTO of Dollar Shave Club, reveals an efficient framework for thinking about and prioritizing the performance metrics that matter most to him, providing a blueprint for fellow e-commerce CTOs to follow as they evaluate their own business.

Managing Product Feedback at Scale

Vanilla Forums

As with all things related to customers, there’s an art and science to effectively dealing with each of their ideas. With so many voices competing for attention, you need a means of effectively dealing with all of the data that will come your way. This practical 26-page eBook provides product managers with the strategies needed to deal with the common pitfalls that come with opening up the inevitable floodgate of data that comes with asking your customers and internal stakeholders for their inpu

Managing Product Feedback at Scale

Vanilla Forums

As with all things related to customers, there’s an art and science to effectively dealing with each of their ideas. With so many voices competing for attention, you need a means of effectively dealing with all of the data that will come your way. This practical 26-page eBook provides product managers with the strategies needed to deal with the common pitfalls that come with opening up the inevitable floodgate of data that comes with asking your customers and internal stakeholders for their inpu

Monetization Monitor: Software Usage Analytics 2020


Efficient usage data collection and analytics can open up significant possibilities for suppliers. Organizations that place a premium on understanding product usage seem to have fewer hurdles to aligning price with value and are more in touch with their customers than organizations that don’t prioritize understanding product usage. Yet many software suppliers still struggle to get accurate insights into usage.

What is Contextual Analytics? The Next Evolution of Embedded Analytics

Download this whitepaper to learn what contextual analytics is, how BI platforms like Yellowfin revolutionize the way users discover insights from their data with native contextual analytics, and how it adds value to your software solution by elevating the user experience. This whitepaper will help you understand: What contextual analytics can do to elevate the value of your application.

Business Monitoring Systems: Using ML to Analyze Metrics

This whitepaper discusses how automated business monitoring solutions like Yellowfin Signals revolutionize the way users discover critical and relevant insights from their data. Download to learn: 5 business benefits of automated data discovery with ABM. The evolution of dashboards to automated business monitoring. How automated business monitoring separates insights from noise.

How to Select an Embedded Analytics Product: 12 Criteria to Consider

This report is designed to help readers select an embedded analytics product. It provides 12 criteria to consider when evaluating embedded capabilities. It also comes with a companion spreadsheet that enables users to score and compare products along these 12 dimensions and others they may add.