
Prioritizing Customer Experience Using SLIs & SLOs: A Case Study from The Telegraph


Do you know what’s annoying? Getting constant alerts that something is broken with your product, despite there being nothing wrong. Alert fatigue is a real thing. There was a time when technology managers needed to actively monitor these kinds of granular metrics, but today, these alerts just create distracting noise. Service Level Indicators and Service Level Objectives are now the principal tools for focusing on what really matters.

Should Customer Marketing Align with Customer Success?

Vanilla Forums

With outcomes and metrics that align directly, find out why customer success should be the foundation of a customer marketing strategy. Customer Success teams actively track KPIs and metrics that directly align with customer marketing outcomes. Including a customer marketing foundation to the customer success roster of tasks isn’t adding extra responsibilities, it’s using existing initiatives to win in new ways.

The Benefits of Infused Analytics for SaaS Applications and Companies

What’s the biggest challenge for SaaS companies? It’s time. There are only so many priorities your product team can manage and there are only so many things your developers can afford to devote their time, attention and resources to. If you want to be successful, you need the best technologies, and the best technologies come from having the best embedded partners.

12 Plays to Kickstart Your Recruitment Process


Good people are the foundation of any organization. That means placing the right people in the right roles can be the difference between your business growing or stagnating — and the competition is getting fierce. According to Harvard Business Review, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated seismic shifts that were already rocking the talent market. With remote work making white-collar jobs more flexible and talent more mobile, a rebound in hiring meant the race for quality candidates had become even

Product Research 201: The Intermediate Guide to De-Risking Decisions

Bring the voice of the customer into your decisions with product market research. This guide will help you find out how to clearly define your learning objective, create questions to support the objective, build screener questions to get the right audience, and more!

Building a Culture of Experimentation: Using Continuous Development for Faster & Safer Product Releases

Nowadays, tech teams are adopting certain processes to enable them to deliver better products faster. At the heart of these processes is the idea of continuous development, which encompasses continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment. Continuous development takes things further by giving product teams more autonomy and freedom to test out their ideas and experiment with new features in production by choosing who they want to test on.

Going Beyond Gut Instinct: The Do’s and Don’ts of Strategic In-App Guides

Is your in-app guidance strategy based on hard data? Or are you just going with your best guess? Are you delivering the right messages to the right people at the right time? Or are you simply blasting every guide out to every user? Do your guides feel like they’re part of your product? Or do your users find receiving one to be a jarring, disconnected experience?

How Collecting and Managing the Voice of the Customer Will Strengthen Your Product

At the end of the day, you’re building your product to meet customers’ needs and solve their problems. What better source of insight into what those are and how they’re changing than your customers themselves? Unfortunately, even the most sophisticated organizations often lack clear strategies and processes for collecting and managing the voice of the customer at scale—or worse, they simply ignore this valuable source of data.

Why Product Led Growth is a Customer Success Responsibility

Vanilla Forums

As the eyes and ears of an organization, Customer Success can drive acquisition, expansion, and retention. But without a clear understanding of a product’s capability, or the value it creates for customers, churn is unavoidable. Customer success should be leading the Product Led Growth (PLG) initiative by adding weight to customer feedback, offering actionable, data-driven insights throughout an organization, and better serving customers.

The Power of Conversation Intelligence


Looking for tools to surface the voice of your customer? Has Conversation Intelligence (CI) been discussed in your organization, but you don’t know where to start? Generally curious about the CI space? This eBook will answer all your questions and more by providing a complete overview of Conversation Intelligence and its importance in Revenue organizations, delivering impact from your Sales Development Representatives all the way to the C-Suite.

Product Management Skills Benchmark Report 2021: How Do Your PM Skills Compare?

There are more than 41,000 Product Managers currently employed in the U.S. today. And while no one would disagree that skills development can help Product teams build better products faster, what skills are essential for Product Management success? What level of skills should Product Managers have at each stage in their career? How can Product Management leaders up-level their team’s skill set?

12 Tips for Selling to the C-Suite


Members of the C-suite are the key decision-makers when it comes to making major investments in their organizations. That’s why every salesperson’s goal is to make their pitch directly to a senior executive—ideally, sooner rather than later. The question for sales pros is this: Are you ready for the challenge, and opportunity, of selling to the C-suite?

Detect and Respond to Threats Across Your Applications, Networks, and Infrastructure


As dynamic, cloud-native environments face increasingly sophisticated security threats, the boundaries between security, development, and operations teams are beginning to fade. Security teams need visibility into their applications, infrastructure, and network, while development and operations teams need the ability to secure the services they own.

Understanding Cadence Workflow for Developers and Architects

Explore the basics of Cadence and understand the benefits it can provide to your organization. This whitepaper will dive into a brief history of Cadence, how workflows can be put into practice, and how you can apply Cadence to your data infrastructure.

How Self-Service Can Drive Down Costs and Improve CX

Vanilla Forums

Self-Service can be a polarizing topic. Many people think that self-service is a low-end experience and would much rather offer their customers “personalized attention.”. But those in the know understand that self-service is, in fact, a white glove offering. Best-selling author and customer experience thought leader Blake Morgan has put it all down on paper for you.

Start Taking Your Embedded Partnerships Seriously

Choosing the right embedded partner matters. But if everyone knows that the development team is the lifeblood of your application and company, why are they often saddled with embedded technologies they don’t enjoy using? Here at Qrvey, we’re built for the way you build software. At every step of the way, we offer development teams the tools they need to make their premier analytic applications faster, more efficient, and all with fewer resources than ever before.

Product Market Research 101: A Beginner's Guide to Bringing in Consumer Insights

In this eBook, you will learn how to continuously bring the voice of consumers into product and marketing decisions. Find out how to conduct research surveys that will allow you to confirm product-market fit, and build and launch better products. Get your copy today!

Omnichannel is Multichannel 2.0

Get the tools to turn data into actionable insights and deliver personalized, relevant, timely messaging to increase conversions and maximize your ROI. Multichannel and omnichannel marketing are not the same. With omnichannel marketing, brands take a consumer-centric approach in order to achieve consistent messaging across channels for a more-personal, cohesive experience.