November, 2019

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5 rules for creating effective product backlogs


Creating a product backlog is a classic case of “easier said than done.” A product backlog is a list of product improvements that your team needs to execute for your product strategy to become a reality. What makes this idea challenging is that sometimes, a product backlog can morph into an unending list of ideas that aren’t always fully vetted. Three things might prevent you from creating a.

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Designing an AI Driven Product Roadmap

bpma ProductHub

by Charu Manglani – Artificial Intelligence (AI) has invaded nearly every sphere of our lives. It is the hidden force of math suggesting the best route on google maps or what to watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.


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Don’t Forget the Motor City: Product Leadership Lessons From Motown

Mind the Product

I’d always thought that Motown’s success was a combination of its talented stars and fortunate timing, but I recently learned that much of its success was down to a mastery of the power of the team – loosely coupled, highly aligned. The mindset and methods responsible for Motown’s huge success in its heyday are just as relevant today. Everyone at Motown was empowered with a singular goal that they all collected around: to create hit records.

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Color Psychology – Brilliant Helping Hand in UX Design

UX Studio: Product Management

How does color psychology affect users’ attitudes and behaviour? There is a master trick, which can help to build a digital product which works more effectively. Psychological effects of color on our experience and decision-making matter, so let’s see how this affects the users and what sort of principles exist when designing experiences. Color is an essential instrument in any designer’s tool stack.

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Entity Resolution: Your Guide to Deciding Whether to Build It or Buy It

Adding high-quality entity resolution capabilities to enterprise applications, services, data fabrics or data pipelines can be daunting and expensive. Organizations often invest millions of dollars and years of effort to achieve subpar results. This guide will walk you through the requirements and challenges of implementing entity resolution. By the end, you'll understand what to look for, the most common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid, and your options.

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Why Product Managers should care about Development Culture

Ask Benny

Make sure your tools are optimized. As product managers, we focus on many things including strategy, execution and mostly connecting strategy and execution. When it gets to development culture many product managers feel it is not their problem because it is the domain of the VP R&D. While this is true, I do not think that as product managers we can ignore the development culture.

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Measuring Your Product’s Performance With Benchmarks


I recently heard something from Calendly’s product team that made my jaw drop. Their product is being used to schedule millions of meetings per month. Many, many millions. Lots of companies have vanity metrics in the millions. But they are called vanity metrics for a reason — they don’t go deeper than the surface level. Read more » The post Measuring Your Product’s Performance With Benchmarks appeared first on ProductCraft by Pendo.

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How to Increase Product Adoption for your SaaS Product in 2019


You can spend 1000s on marketing, spend hours fine-tuning your Sales funnel, and yet you still don’t see results? Why? Well, most likely it’s because your product adoption sucks. Product adoption is crucial to the success of any SaaS product. I don’t just mean it’s what separates the good from the great, I mean it separates those that survive and those that don’t.

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Is your Product successful? Yes/ No/ Don’t know.


If you answered “don’t know”, then right now you’re failing as a Product Manager. But, don’t worry. Firstly: I won’t tell anyone. Secondly: if you don’t know, it’s unlikely anyone else at your company knows. Thirdly: you’ll be pleasantly surprised to hear that there are LOADS of Product Managers out there that are similarly in the dark. Lastly: if you read this article you’ll know find out how to measure Product success AND what to do about it if it’s failing.

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Customer Centric Culture: Purpose and Profitability?


In a nutshell being customer centric means: putting your customers first. But it is actually a lot deeper than that. It is placing customers at the core of your business and then building everything around it. It is not simply trying to please customers to make money, but to listen to them and offer solutions to their problems. And it should be the focus at each stage of the sales funnel, for every department and through every process your business undertakes.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Of Chickens, Eggs and PMs

The Product Coalition

Here’s a scenario you might be familiar with. Say you’re starting a new role as a PM in a startup company (congrats!). You find that the startup has created a robust product with many different features and capabilities. Trying to gain some clarity and focus you ask: “which of those features are most/least used?”. Turns out, nobody knows. So you implement basic analytics mechanisms, wait for a week or two and then come back to the team equipped with a bunch of fancy graphs.

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How to improve your product with customer feedback you already have


Andrej Danko, VP of Product at productboard, recently joined Travis Kaufman, VP Product Growth at Gainsight, for a webinar discussion. The two had a lively chat about the Product Excellence methodology, the challenges of modern product management, how to improve products with customer feedback that is already being collected, and when not to take customer feedback at face value.

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What are the Secrets to Enabling Sustainable Growth?

Mind the Product

Fewer than 10% of startups survive and grow into large companies and, for every time growth is done right, there are 100 ways it could have been done wrong. Here, I’d like to share the lessons I’ve learned from my years working as a product manager, focused on growth. If they could, organisations would choose always to grow – not only bigger but faster.

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How Does Storytelling Help You To Create Better Digital Products?

UX Studio: Product Management

Storytelling has recently become a buzzword. If you are working in the field of digital product management, you probably heard about it in some way. It is widely used in every phase of a product life cycle: all the way from design to marketing. But is it really something that we can use in our daily work? In this post, I collected cases where storytelling can be a useful tool to create and sell digital products.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Product Launches- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

bpma ProductHub

by Scott Hilton – On October 11, 2019, the Product Executive Forum(PEF) held another well attended meeting. This month’s topic was product launches. Many thanks to Steven Veneman and Julius Francis of Juniper Networks for serving as awesome hosts. According to research from Robert G Cooper only 1 in 7 product launches succeed.

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What Building a Valuable Product Community Can Do For Your Business


A loyal, engaged community is a powerful tool, and community building has become an effective strategy for digital product companies to grow their user base and increase product adoption. But with that power comes responsibility: You get out of a community what you put into it. Valuable communities form when there is value to be derived. So what does that mean if you want to form a community?

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How Much Does Your Feature Cost?


So you’ve done your market research, interviewed customers, and prototyped your designs. Your go-to-market strategy is in place. Engineering is ready to start development. Amongst all the excitement, coordination, and chaos, have you asked yourself the BIGGEST question? “How much does my feature cost?” In this article, we’ll borrow some lessons from Harvard Business School.

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The PB&J of UX and Product


You’ve got a new feature that you’re excited to start working on. Not only are you motivated by how cool this feature will be, but you also need to build it ASAP. It would be nice to take some time on it and get feedback from the UX team, but given how fast it needs. Read more » The post The PB&J of UX and Product appeared first on ProductCraft by Pendo.

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12 Reasons Snowflake Costs Get Out of Control — And How to Solve It

With no barriers to entry you can get started with Snowflake for next to nothing, but as you may already know, costs can quickly spiral out of control. While usage costs can be better managed for your internal BI use case, Snowflake costs skyrocket for SaaS providers because the need to deliver real-time, interactive analytics in a multi-tenant environment is always on.

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Fixing your blind spot: biases in decision making

The Product Coalition

Every person forms a set of mental shortcuts or heuristics, which work brilliantly day in day out, but become harmful when left unchecked. Continue reading on ».

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Designing Strong Experiments

Product Management Today Submitted Articles

When testing our business ideas, choosing the right experiment is just the beginning. After we have chosen our experiment, it’s important that we spend some time designing it well. Well designed experiments can further strengthen the evidence we get, which will increase our confidence in making decisions.

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Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product’s Core Requirements – Part 2

bpma ProductHub

by Ellen Gottesdiener – The Product Canvas can help address a number of challenges as you transition to a product-centric organization. You may want to take a step back to rethink your product strategy. Perhaps you realize you’re not organized for optimal product development and need to redesign your organization so its structure follows product.

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Collocation, Trust, and Distributed Teams

Roman Pichler

A Tale of Two Products. I once worked with a telco company that was developing a brand-new commercial product. Product management and development were located at separate sites in different countries. But this didn’t seem to matter much as everybody was in great spirits and had high hopes for the new product. What’s more, the product people would occasionally visit the development site, and development group members would travel to product management from time to time.

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Product Strategy Agility: How to Use Experiments and Options to Create Products Your Customers Love

Speaker: Johanna Rothman - Management Consultant, Rothman Consulting Group

Senior leaders often want to see months - or years - long product roadmaps. But these predictions often do not create products your customers will love. While customers aren’t fickle, they often do not know what they want until you give them something to try. That means product leaders need to integrate experiments and options into their roadmaps. In this presentation, Johanna Rothman will explain: How to limit the duration of a roadmap and show possible options.

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2020 Product Conferences

Product Talk

We are starting to pull together our 2020 conference list. This list is by no means exhaustive. If you know of a product conference that is not on the list and you think it should be, please feel free to recommend it in the comments or send an email to We’ll also keep updating this list as we hear about more events. For 2020, I haven’t decided which conferences I’ll be attending or presenting at, but I’ll update this post once that changes.

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Webinar: What to Do Before and After a Mobile App Launch to Improve Customer Experience

Alchemer Mobile

Getting your app up and running is only half the battle. What comes next is equally as important. How do you determine what is and isn’t working? How do you know what your customers need and want? In this webinar, Robi Ganguly, CEO and Co-Founder, Apptentive and Ben Johnson, VP Mobile Strategy, Rightpoint will cover the essentials to have in place both pre- and post-launch in order to provide the best customer experience possible.

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How to Design Products Using Behavioral Science

Mind the Product

Too often, we assume that consumers make rational decisions and take them at their word when we ask them about how they behave. But there’s a gap between what consumers say they will do and what they actually do. How do we bridge this gap and design products based on real behaviours? Imagine you’re a completely rational human. If you wanted to lose weight, you would start eating less.

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Spendesk’s Nicolas Marchais on evolving with your market

Intercom, Inc.

Creating a new product category also creates a plethora of challenges – from spotting the right market niche to convincing customers that yours is a service they need. If people aren’t looking for your solution, you have to educate them about the problem your product solves. You also need to evolve and adapt at a greater pace than more established peers.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.