Sat.May 22, 2021 - Fri.May 28, 2021

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3 Tiers of Customer Value in the Product Management Maturity Model

Product Management University

Your product management maturity model isn’t so much about what your team can do. It’s what your team can do for the customer. From either perspective, it’s the skill level and proficiency of your team as it matures. But if customer value is always the end game, make quantifiable customer outcomes the driving force in your product management maturity model and the path becomes shorter, faster and easier to measure.

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Leadership Tip 8: Stop Focusing on Happiness & Measure Satisfaction Instead

Johanna Rothman

Do you or your managers want people to be happy at work? That's a laudable goal. And, in my experience, unrealistic. That's because happiness is an outcome of a person's current life context. Instead of happiness, let's consider satisfaction. When we consider satisfaction, we might discover ways to create a great work environment. That satisfaction might offer more opportunities for happiness.


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Becoming a Product Leader?—?Part 1: Thinking Like a Leader

The Product Coalition

Thinking Like a Leader?—?Part 1 of Becoming a Product Leader This is Part 1 of the “ Becoming a Product Leader ” series. In this series, I’m tackling different outcomes and traits that individual contributor Product Managers can practice and cultivate to become a Product Leader. This article focuses on shifting one’s perspective from a team level Product Manager to an organization wide Product Leader.

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How the pandemic has changed customer support forever

Intercom, Inc.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an irreversible impact on how the world does business. Over the last year, companies have had to pivot to digital-first ways of working overnight; supply chains and distribution facilities worldwide have been majorly disrupted; and, in the midst of all this uncertainty, consumers have (understandably) been more anxious and frustrated than ever.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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How product leaders can make better decisions with iterative analytics

Mind the Product

When we ask questions about our data, we rarely walk in a straight line to the answer. Instead, data analysis often follows a more circuitous, creative process: we ask a question, discover our first effort to answer it is incomplete, reshape our data, bring in new data, consult a domain expert to rework our hypothesis, [.] Read more » The post How product leaders can make better decisions with iterative analytics appeared first on Mind the Product.

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The Significant Roles of Artificial Intelligence in The Education Sector

The Product Coalition

Artificial intelligence is the most suitable choice to succeed in all challenges in learning different things. AI technology in education develops your learning method properly. It supports teachers or coaches to implement better, acquainted, and customized help to students. AI-powered learning techniques help teachers to examine the grasping power of learners.

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Product Management Unpacked

After nine years working as a systems engineer, applications engineer, software engineer and finally, a lead data engineer, Debashish Sasmal was ready for his next strategic move. “I’d worked for a startup in Hyderabad, India where everyone had to wear different hats,“ recalls Debashish. “I realized that I wanted to expand my focus into product management.”.

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Make the transition to product leadership

Mind the Product

Little in a company is more important than the successful transition to a leadership role — make good decisions as a senior leader and you’ll positively impact the business. Make bad decisions and your influence on the organisation will surely hit a bum note. But transition to product leadership isn’t always easy. McKinsey posits that 50% of [.

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Sharing Intercom’s values

Intercom, Inc.

Every company, organization, or team has a set of values – they may or may not be codified and written down, but they exist in the way the people behave and treat one another. The most successful companies take the time to be purposeful about their values. They discuss and debate them, write them down, agree on them, and most importantly live by them.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Becoming a Product Leader?—?Introduction

The Product Coalition

Becoming a Product Leader?—?Introduction This is an article series on moving from individual contributor Product Manager to people manager and Product Leader. This is something that I’ve personally struggled with, and witnessed brilliant, hardworking, rockstar PMs struggle with. There are some solid articles on this already, as well as great guidance from the recent Cracking the PM Career book.

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Identifying Growth KPIs that are leading indicators of product success


Imagine you run a lemonade stand. You meticulously track how many people purchase from your stand each week, because that’s how you make money. For the first two months, the number increased without fail. Then, as if you took a false step on your hike to profit, it started tumbling down the hill. What happened? And how did you not see it coming? After sitting down with some trusted friends and family members, they broke the news that your lemonade simply wasn’t any good.

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World Product Day 2021 – epic talks, Tweets, awards, GIFs and more!

Mind the Product

On Wednesday 26th May, product managers around the world came together to celebrate World Product Day. Here we share some of the highlights including talks from ProductTanks in New Zealand, Lagos, and Hong Kong, plus ProductTank award winners, and insights from the community. ProductTank talks In 24 hours, 65 ProductTanks around the world, worked together [.

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How Did IKEA and Starbucks Successfully Localize in Japan?


At btrax, we typically talk to two types of people when discussing Japanese market opportunities. Those who believe that a global strategy will work in Japan. Those who understand the landscape of the Japanese market and need to create a strategy specific to Japan. Depending on your goals, resources, and budget, both types of people can succeed in Japan.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Behind The 10 Most Common Product Management Interview Questions

The Product Coalition

The secret to acing a product management interview isn’t just knowing what questions to expect. It’s getting inside your interviewer’s mind, and understanding why they’re asking you these questions, and what they want to know. The Most Common Product Management Interview Questions What do you see as a Product Manager’s main role within product development?

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Why Well-funded Disruptive Legal Startup, Atrium Failed? Justin Kan Shares it all [My “win or die” strategy didn’t work and worse, strained relationships]


During my time as Partner at @ycombinator, my ambition to build something big only grew. I took the plunge and decided to follow the ‘age-old’ wisdom of fixing my own problem and building a startup around the solution. (cont.). I hated doing legal work for my startups and never really understood what I was paying for. The entire experience was too complicated and opaque.

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Building the Decision-Making Habit by Benjamin Keyser

Mind the Product

In this ProductTank Berlin talk, Benjamin Keyser, VP Product at Contentful, explains the importance of decision-making in taking a company from the startup stage to the scale-up stage. The key points of his talk include: Consequences of poor decisions Decisions during the startup period Decision styles More effect and less affect Watch the video to [.

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Can We Regulate Social Networks To Curb Addiction—Without Making Them Suck?

Nir Eyal

The post Can We Regulate Social Networks To Curb Addiction—Without Making Them Suck? appeared first on Nir and Far.

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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Discovery for Non-Product People

The Product Coalition

A regular challenge for product and venture teams operating in large companies is uplifting the skills of the people raising ideas so that they are more mature when they arrive. More mature ideas hitting the top of the product team’s funnel means better results for the business. This challenge usually starts out with an announcement from an executive that there is now a team responsible for taking innovative ideas and converting them into new products and new ventures.

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How an Australian energy provider stays on top of critical cyber threats with Feedly

Roy Madden

Case Study. This analyst team designed AI-powered security Feeds in Feedly that proactively alert them about specific topics, threats, and threat actors. The energy provider ‘s results with Feedly Discovered a supply chain data breach a week before the public announcement Able to monitor hundreds of suppliers for breaches Detected a critical vulnerability within 2 hours of its release and patched it immediately.

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SUNDAY REWIND: Escape from the feature roadmap to outcome-driven development

Mind the Product

While discussing this week’s Sunday Rewind, Mind the Product’s Managing Director Emily Tate was quick to suggest one of her all-time favourite posts — Escape from the feature roadmap to outcome-driven development. For Emily, this post written in 2018 by Alice Newton Rex, Director of Product at WhatsApp, formerly CPO at WorldRemit, provided a real [.

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Try a Semantic Approach to Naming GitHub Repositories

Modus Create

As part of a recent customer engagement, we were tasked with defining a naming convention for GitHub repositories. Up to this point, each project team had used whatever convention (or none) they liked to define the repository name, leading to a situation where there was a lack of consistency across the GitHub organization. I had my own ideas around what conventions made sense, although these are influenced by the type of work I do.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Kafka

Without proper guidance, it’s easy to miss out on Kafka’s full capabilities. While not the easiest technology to optimize, Kafka rewards those willing to explore its depths. Under the hood, it is an elegant system for stream processing, event sourcing, and data integration. Download this white paper to learn the 10 critical rules that will help you optimize your Kafka system and unlock its full potential.

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Does your Testing Reflect Enough Domain Knowledge?

The Product Coalition

Domain Knowledge is a key factor in every IT field, be it Business Analytics, FinTech, Mobile App industry, Information Protection, Data Privacy, Database Testing, Security, Software Testing, and Quality Assurance. But the last two in the list remain crucial in every IT domain because with testing and QA rest of the technical aspects are met successfully.

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Starting a Company in a Space You’re Not an Expert in — This Founder Shares 6 Lessons

First Round Review

From the importance of founder naivety, to seeking out the doubters, to rigorously assessing founder/market fit, Irving Fain shares his lessons from building a company in a space he wasn't an expert in, as well as other takeaways from the earliest days at his startup, Bowery Farming.

Startups 104
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Product Management: What is the job, really? – Christian Idiodi

Mind the Product

The job of a Product person is hard to define. We’re a little of everything, depending on the day and what’s needed. The one thing we can all agree on is that it’s never really done. Christian Idiod—partner at Silicon Valley Product Group—joins us on the podcast to break down what’s expected of us, what [.] Read more » The post Product Management: What is the job, really?

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We Can’t Schedule Innovation, But We Can Schedule Discovery

Mironov Consulting

Everyone wants innovation, especially if we can plan and schedule into each sprint. But innovation is uncertain. Can we shift the discussion to planning and scheduling and funding of discovery that can (often) lead to innovation?

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.