July, 2020

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“How to….” undertake a competitor analysis


Updated July 2020. A competitor analysis is one of the fundamental things you should do before you launch a new Product or business. Here’s the six-step process we follow to measure the competition. How to undertake a competitor analysis. As Product Managers, having solid knowledge of our rivals and their activity in the marketplace helps us make better decisions during the strategic product planning phase.

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Are Feature Teams or Component Teams Right for Your Product?

Roman Pichler

What are Feature and Component Teams? A feature team is a development team that implements end-user functionality end-to-end. Contrast this with a component team. Such a team owns an architecture building block, for example, a layer, a subsystem, or a collection of components or services, as figure 1 illustrates. Figure 1: Feature vs. Component Team.


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The Surprising Benefits of Unconditional Positive Regard

Nir Eyal

The post The Surprising Benefits of Unconditional Positive Regard appeared first on Nir and Far.

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The Lost art of Backlog Management

Mind the Product

Product management is still a young discipline, and the methods that we use are evolving all the time. Currently in the product community, topics such as product discovery, theme-based roadmaps and outcomes vs outputs are all very much in vogue, and rightly so. These are all helping to move our craft forward, and enabling teams [.]. Read More. The post The Lost art of Backlog Management appeared first on Mind the Product.

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Solving Open Source Complexity with a Managed Data Infrastructure Platform

With its unparalleled flexibility, rapid development and cost-saving capabilities, open source is proving time and again that it’s the leader in data management. But as the growth in open source adoption increases, so does the complexity of your data infrastructure. In this Analyst Brief developed with IDC, discover how and why the best solution to this complexity is a managed service, including: Streamlined compliance with some of the most complex regulatory guidelines Simplified operations, li

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Opportunity Mapping: An Essential Skill for Driving Product Outcomes

Product Talk

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Continuous Discovery Habits. It’s the opening to my chapter on Opportunity Mapping. Read to the end for an exciting new announcement. “To maintain the state of doubt and to carry on systematic and protracted inquiry—these are the essentials of thinking.” John Dewey , How We Think. “Structure is complicated.

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One Critical Part of Product Management That Got Lost in Agile Development

Product Management University

Agile is a software development methodology. It’s not a way to do product management. It’s not how you do product marketing or sales. It’s not a way to do strategic planning or run your business. Agile development is a methodology for building software, and it’s a good one! But that’s it! Period, end of story. Smaller teams cranking out measurable units of software every 2-4 weeks and iterating toward usable features has done wonders for software development.

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When your product is your product team

Product Management Unpacked

Pendo’s chief product officer shares his take on product management leadership. “If software is leading the world, then product managers are the modern-day businessmen and women,” says Brian Crofts, Chief Product Officer (CPO) at Pendo. Pendo offers a platform of tools that allows product managers to make their products better —whether they are at the beginning of their product roadmap deciding what to build or want to validate the direction for how their product evolves.

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Google Analytics vs. Customer Analytics: What’s the Difference?


Data is known to be the world’s most valuable resource. But companies struggle to make use of the information they’re collecting. The challenge, according to Deloitte, Duke University, and the American Marketing Association is a lack of alignment between data and decision-making. For this reason, it can be challenging for an individual within an organization to make informed, in-the-moment judgment calls.

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User Adoption Metrics – How to Finally get them Right


If you don’t know which of your new users are going to turn into paying customers and which are going to drift away, you need to be thinking about User Adoption Metrics. Improving your metrics and pushing new users to the Activation milestone is critical to the long-term growth of your SaaS business. If learning how to measure and improving your user activation is on your agenda – you’ve come to the right place.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, we’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in decision-making, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation. Attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights, motivated to embrace AI and leverage its potential in their work. 🦸 🏢 Key objectives:

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How Influential Leadership Builds Winning Products – Oluwatobi Otokiti

Mind the Product

An inspirational first-time talk from Tobi Otokiti asking us as product managers to consider ourselves as the product. See yourself as a product leader, not just a manager, and genuinely care for your team. Don’t be the aloof CEO of the product, but become a team player and get excited about your product – it will [.]. Read More. The post How Influential Leadership Builds Winning Products – Oluwatobi Otokiti appeared first on Mind the Product.

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The Maturation of B2B Product Management & Marketing: Are We Keeping Pace?

Product Management University

Is the maturation of B2B product management and marketing keeping up with the demands of the market? B2B technology companies today bear little if any resemblance to those of the mid to late 90’s, yet a big chunk of the industry is still practicing product management and product marketing the exact same way it did 20-25 years ago. Throw in the COVID-19 pandemic and everything has changed for most of our markets (and us)?

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Where and How the Modern PM Uses Data


What exactly does it mean to be “data-driven” in today’s product management world? Our colleagues at Pendo sought to answer this question by reaching out to product leaders at a variety of organizations. They asked them to describe their relationship with data, which metrics they considered most important, and the areas of their jobs that.

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The 4 most recent product design books every designer should read

Imaginary Cloud - Design

As the Lead Designer at Imaginary Cloud , I conduct most of the interviews for design positions. While interviewing a design candidate, I frequently ask about their preferred books on the subject of UI/UX or product design. Sadly often, they answer: Don't Make Me Think or Design of Everyday Things. That’s the moment I know that my interlocutor knows very (very!

Books 138
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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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50 Inspirational Quotes on Customer Experience to Guide Your Way


Customer experience is a topic that almost anyone can relate to. Yet it’s not easy at all to do a cracking job. If you’re just starting out in CX, or you’re feeling a bit lost on the way, here are 50 to-the-point quotes on customer experience to help you get (back) on track. Ian Golding. A jigsaw puzzle is an extremely good analogy for the customer experience… you can only see the picture if you put the pieces together.

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6 Product Managers Who Became CEOs-and How!

The Product Coalition

While some may say that a Product Manager is ‘the CEO of the product’, that’s not entirely true. Both positions involve being the keeper of a vision, and both also have to be decision makers by curating ideas from many different sources. But there are numerous differences that keep these two roles separate. As a Product Manager, you have very little authority.

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Celebrate Failures as Much as The Successes


In most companies, incentives are tied to success (e.g. sales targets, revenue). But this approach does not work for innovation. In order to succeed at innovation, companies need to build a portfolio with a pipeline of projects and accept that most of these will fail before you find one that works. As such, in order to succeed you can't just incentives and reward the successful projects.

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Retention Marketing: How to Build a Retention Strategy that Works


You’re leaving cash on the table for your competitors to sweep up if you don’t have a strategy for retention marketing. So, in this blog we’ll show you how to keep your customers happy with a targeted retention strategy. And remember – happy customers are paying customers. Congratulations! You’re signing up new users for your SaaS product every day.

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Secure SaaS Success: Embedded Finance as a Competitive Advantage

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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Should Product Managers Know How To Code? (Yes/No)

The Basics of Product Management

Should product managers know how to code? (Yes/No) It can be any programming language, including SQL, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, etc. Yes No Submit. Let us know your opinion on whether product managers should know how to code. As soon as you hit “Submit” above, the results will be visible immediately. Thank you! Hypothesis Validation. Should product managers know how to code?

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Storytelling is great, but is it enough?

Intercom, Inc.

The notion of storytelling has pervaded the marketing world as of late. Companies work to unlock the story of their brand , to tell the story of their target customers, use data to tell stories about their industry or provide further insights. The word has popped up in job descriptions: rather than writers and editors, companies hunt for storytellers who can bring their content to life ( Microsoft even has a chief storyteller ).

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Using the right data methods in product research

Lead on Purpose

Delivering a solid product that customers love requires an up-front knowledge of the market in which customers and potential customers operate. Understanding the problems they face, and solving those problems with a software solution, is the end goal.

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Your Products Have a Gazillion Cool Features! So, What Are You Selling?

Product Management University

Selling a product with a ton of features is a blessing and a curse. It’s great that your product has so many cool features. It’s also a nightmare for marketing and sales. Why? They’re trying to sell all of them and your buyers are overwhelmed, often to the point of decision paralysis. If your competition is doing the same thing, at least the playing field is level.

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Product Strategy Agility: How to Use Experiments and Options to Create Products Your Customers Love

Speaker: Johanna Rothman - Management Consultant, Rothman Consulting Group

Senior leaders often want to see months - or years - long product roadmaps. But these predictions often do not create products your customers will love. While customers aren’t fickle, they often do not know what they want until you give them something to try. That means product leaders need to integrate experiments and options into their roadmaps. In this presentation, Johanna Rothman will explain: How to limit the duration of a roadmap and show possible options.

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Q&A with Dunkin’: Digital Transformation through Coronavirus

Alchemer Mobile

From the very beginning of COVID-19, Dunkin’ has been a fantastic case study of how a large enterprise brand can quickly adapt to external variables and changing customer behavior. In our recent 20-minute Q&A session with Senior Product Manager, Andy Ades, we discussed how Dunkin’ has embraced digital transformation during the coronavirus pandemic. ?

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Why we Fought SAFe and how we Lost, by Stephen Culligan

Mind the Product

Stephen Culligan shares an honest and humorous tale of a ‘failed’ attempt to take on SAFe as a consultant in a large enterprise company, and the lessons that came out of the experience. Despite setting and aligning clear product, business and technical goals, employing modern product discovery techniques, and defining the North Star, the project [.].

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Celebrating the Birth of Product Management With the Industry Leaders of 2020

Product Management Unpacked

Just a few months ago, CMU MS in Product Management Program celebrated a very special day – 05/13/31. It was on this day, 89 years ago that Procter & Gamble promotions executive Neil H. McElroy wrote a memorandum that gave birth to the field of Product Management. MSPM, the first degree program to focus exclusively on building better product managers, struck ten “51331” commemorative coins and sent them to industry leaders who represent the best of what’s happening in our f

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How Zapier supports 3 million users by investing in customer outcomes

Intercom, Inc.

This way of thinking about support is all about efficiency. If you can maximize your team’s productivity, you can help more customers at lower costs. And it makes sense: in order to be around to support your customers well into the future, you need a solid foundation for scale. . But obsessing over efficiency can mask what’s most important, and most rewarding, to support teams – actually helping customers.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.