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Part #1: Implementing an Agile Sales Framework

All About Product Management

By their very nature sales people are agile in their approach to selling products and services. A good sales rep will intuitively carry out a quick inspection of the prospective customer’s situation, adapt themselves to make the customer feel at ease, and continue to inspect (by asking the appropriate questions) until they feel confident enough to present a solution to ease the customers business-pain.

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Project Manager or Product Manager what’s the difference?

All About Product Management

I sat down a few months ago with our HR recruitment officer – I began to sketch out the type of person we needed to fill the role of a Product Manager. The recruitment officer asked the question – what’s the difference between a Proj ect Manager and a Prod uct Manager? He posed the question because he had just placed a Project Manager in another department and had a few CVs of people who had applied for the post of Project Manager and might fit the position of Product Manager.


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The Innovation Value Chain and Product Management

All About Product Management

Morten T Hansen and Julian Birkinshaw published an interesting article in HBR about what they call the Innovation Value Chain. The article highlights the three main phases of innovation: *Idea Generation *Idea Conversion *Idea Diffusion Idea Generation: The aim is to generate ideas from various sources: from with in your own business unit of team; from other business units or teams; from across the company; from customers; end users; competitors; universities; related industries and the list goe

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What do Product Managers do? What is expected of them? And how not to become overwhelmed?

All About Product Management

The answers to the first two questions above depends much upon the organisation, its size, the department ‘Product Management’ lives in your company and the industry sector that you work in. One thing is certain regardless of company demographics the job of the Product Manager can be overwhelming - a view shared by comments made by pragmaticmarketing.com review on Alyssa.S Dver book ‘Software Product Management Essentials’ – a good read for all new and up-and-coming product managers.

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Solving Open Source Complexity with a Managed Data Infrastructure Platform

With its unparalleled flexibility, rapid development and cost-saving capabilities, open source is proving time and again that it’s the leader in data management. But as the growth in open source adoption increases, so does the complexity of your data infrastructure. In this Analyst Brief developed with IDC, discover how and why the best solution to this complexity is a managed service, including: Streamlined compliance with some of the most complex regulatory guidelines Simplified operations, li

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What is the job of a typical on-line Product Manager?

All About Product Management

What’s the job of the Product Manager in a cutting edge web development environment? What does the typical diary of today’s web and/or software Product Manager look like? Product Management business as usual ( BAU ) activities in scrum. 9.30am attend the daily scrum meeting (stand up) with Engineers, Test Analysis. Depending on which functions are being discussed a representative from Sales, Product Marketing, e-Marketing and Usability may be in attendance - after all good Product Managers get e

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Successful Product Managers collaborate to ensure innovative product development

All About Product Management

One of the key attributes that a Product Manager has to have in order to be successful is the ability to work in a collaborative way across teams and departments in order to bring new products to market or maintain and increase the profitability of existing products by adding innovative features and enhancements. Collaboration is one of those key requirements listed in the majority of job adverts for Product Managers.

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Profit-Driven Innovation with Hugh Richards

All About Product Management

Product Management View blog and webinar series has a webinar by Hugh Richards entitled " Profit-Driven Innovation". This webinar covers key issues companies face when innovating: #1. Why we innovate. #2. Key drivers of successful innovation. #3. Understaning company operations. #4. Innovation impact across the company. #5. Necessity for strong leadershp.

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How Product Managers can avoid innovation traps #part 1

All About Product Management

Product Managers often need to collaborate, co-ordinate, drive, release and launch innovative ideas into the market place. However there are pitfalls that product management need to avoid if success is be to secured. This is a two part series based on Rosabeth Moss Kanter article in Harvard Business Review entitled Innovation: The Classic Traps. The article focuses on four areas: Strategy, Process, Structure and Skills.

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How Product Managers can avoid innovation traps #part2

All About Product Management

How Product Managers can avoid innovation traps Part#1 touched on two innovative traps that ProductManagers may encounter: #1. Strategy: the misconception that every innovative idea has to be a blockbuster – where as a number of small incremental innovations could lead to over all product success. And #2. Process : subjecting innovative efforts and projects to the same rigor, reviews and filters as standard business as usual (BAU) will stifle innovative growth.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, we’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in decision-making, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation. Attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights, motivated to embrace AI and leverage its potential in their work. 🦸 🏢 Key objectives:

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How Product Managers can successfully ride the storms of a commercial life.

All About Product Management

Technology companies often go through good and bad times and even through the good times there will be situations which seek to hinder the personnel performance of Product Managers and Technologists. On occasions there will be situations and decisions that run against the grain of your feelings and the path you’ve laid out for yourself. Company issues: recruitment- either you can not hire the right staff, sudden change in direction that takes you unaware, technical environments not functioning a

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Part #10 Justifying Time to Research with Agile

All About Product Management

Agile Research I worked for a company that designed and manufactured niche signal processing equipment for the broadcast industry. Part of the secret to the company’s success was that it was not shy in investing significant amounts of revenue in a research department as well as allowing its engineers to carry out their own research projects. In my opinion all technology companies need invest in research, but think about adopting some agile principles in funding research to ensure that time can b

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10 Tips For New Product Managers

All About Product Management

If you’re new to Product Management then you really should invest 30 minutes of your time to watch Jeff Lash’s podcast “Ten Tips For New Product Managers…” The podcast will also serve as a good refresher for those of you who are experienced Product Managers. Jeff's ten points are listed below. #1. Spend time with customers #2. Ask “dumb” questions #3.

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Part #9 The role of the Product Manager in Scrum

All About Product Management

Scrum has three key roles: #1 The team – who owns the sprint backlog and are responsible for estimating. functionality and fulfilling the commitment made at sprint planning meetings. #2 The Product owner – who owns the product backlog and decides on product functionality. #3 The scrum-master who owns the impediment log and is responsible for removing any blockages that hinder the team from performing and fulfilling their commitments.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Part #8 Tips on being an Agile Manager

All About Product Management

The agile manager must be able to constantly inspect and adapt in order to keep pace with a changing environment and capitalise on the changes as they occur. Here are 6 tips on ways in which you can inspect and adapt in order to improve the agility of your management and/or Product Management. Inspecting: #1 Agile managers tend to have an understanding of what is coming up – this occurs either by information that is cascaded to them from the board or Chief Executives or by anticipating future di

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Part # 7 Points to watch out for when converting from waterfall to agile testing

All About Product Management

Agile can be a challenge for the Test Analyst who has been trained and is accustomed to working in the traditional waterfall, Prince 2 environments or using the V model. A tester who finds themselves as part of “the team” using the agile scrum frame work can find that they are out of their comfort zone and may feel a little exposed. We recently held a meeting with a group of Test Analysts and asked them to identify what areas of our scrum implementation the needed to be improved and what areas t

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Part #6 How Everyone Can Get Involved in Agile

All About Product Management

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was adopting scrum (an agile development frame work). At first implementing scrum identified quite a few issues (mainly bottlenecks) with in the organisation. However the past few weeks have witnessed a turn around – all of a sudden it seems that everyone wants to get involved and be part of the scrum process. So how do you (as a ScrumMaster/Product manager) broaden the influence of scrum so that all the product stakeholders have the opportunity get involved

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Part #5 How to adopt Agile Product Marketing

All About Product Management

The Agile Product Manager works closely with the engineering and technical teams working with in an agile framework such as scrum. The adoption of an agile methodology means that new features will get delivered incrementally every 30, 20 or even 10 days. This is great news for the product owner who sees the product developed and released incrementally ( with in a matter of weeks as opposed to months) and gives them the ability to change priority and the features depending on the demands of the m

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Secure SaaS Success: Embedded Finance as a Competitive Advantage

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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How Product Managers can successfully ride the storms of a commercial life.

All About Product Management

Technology companies often go through good and bad times and even through the good times there will be situations which seek to hinder the personnel performance of Product Managers and Technologists. On occasions there will be situations and decisions that run against the grain of your feelings and the path you’ve laid out for yourself. Company issues: recruitment- either you can not hire the right staff, sudden change in direction that takes you unaware, technical environments not functioning a

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Part #4 Agile Customer Support

All About Product Management

I worked for a company where in the morning I was booked on a flight to troubleshot issues at a customers site in Switzerland at Midday it had changed to Germany and by the time I went home I was booked on a flight (for the next day) to Florida. That’s agile customer care for you. The ethos of the company was to adapt your schedules to meet the customers' need.

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Part #3 How to run an agile training course

All About Product Management

We’ve all attended training session which were death by power point. There was little interaction from the attendees and the trainer seemed determined to get through everyone of his/her dozen or so bullet points that appeared on the numerous amount of slides that they had. I attended a six day 1st line management training course sometime ago – and was dreading the thought of having to sit through a zillion power point slides and hearing the droning of some poor trainers voice for a the rest of t

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Part #2: Agile meetings run by an agile chairperson

All About Product Management

All of us have attended many meetings during our careers, some good and some not so good. The idea of the sprint meeting: where hands on stakeholders (product owner(s) and technical team) meet for 10 to 15 minutes each day, stand up around a white board and answer 3 basic questions: # 1 What did you do yesterday (reporting back on the commitment you made the day before), # 2 What are you planning to do today (today’s commitment) and # 3 Is there anything stopping you fulfilling your commitment.

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Product Strategy Agility: How to Use Experiments and Options to Create Products Your Customers Love

Speaker: Johanna Rothman - Management Consultant, Rothman Consulting Group

Senior leaders often want to see months - or years - long product roadmaps. But these predictions often do not create products your customers will love. While customers aren’t fickle, they often do not know what they want until you give them something to try. That means product leaders need to integrate experiments and options into their roadmaps. In this presentation, Johanna Rothman will explain: How to limit the duration of a roadmap and show possible options.

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Identifying Agile Organisations, Functions and Roles

All About Product Management

There currently seems to be a strong move towards agile software development. Engineering teams and I.T. departments are adopting one agile method or another. However the conversion of software teams, to agile, does not naturally result in the other areas of a company adopting an agile method of working. The question is why should other areas adopt an agile approach to work?

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Pain without gain (ROI) or pleasure with gain (ROI).

All About Product Management

Pain with a threatened ROI or pleasure with an improved chance of a greater ROI - which one appeals to you? At the end of a waterfall project (or any project for that matter) the product manager or project manager will usually hold a ‘ lessons learnt’ session where the participants of a project that has not gone so well discuss what went wrong with the view of improving performance on the next project.

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Agile people working in a non-agile world

All About Product Management

Implementing an agile development frame work , such as Scrum , does not solve your company’s problems but helps identifies them. My current company has implemented the scrum agile management frame work. The initial results from the product mangers point of view have been quite interesting: Various stakeholders gradually changing their behaviour as they record their required enhancements and bugs fixes in the product backlog rather than emailing the Product Manager and CC-ing half the company hop

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Being up front during an interview

All About Product Management

During the past 6 months I’ve been interviewing a number people for Product Management vacancies. My company is currently experiencing rapid growth with its online products at the moment and therefore needs to build strong Product Management teams to facilitate that growth and help secure ROI. I tend to follow the same pattern for each candidate: scenario based discussions/questions that reflect key milestones in the typical product life cycle.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.