July, 2015

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The Product Kata

Melissa Perri

A while ago, I was introducing the Kanban Kata by Hakan Forss to a team that was struggling to meet their deadline. They had failed twice before and their jobs were in jeopardy. Implementing Continuous Improvement and Kata helped the teams create better processes and remove bottlenecks. I was the coach that took them through the motions that Hakan eloquently teaches, which is based on the Toyota Kata by Mike Rother.

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Minimum Viable Products and Product Requirements; Upcoming Webcasts; Competitive Analysis Workshop in Boston

Good Product Manager

Minimum Viable Products Don’t Replace Product Requirements – They Help Identify Them. “Minimum viable product” (MVP) is the term du jour among entrepreneurs and increasingly among product managers. In the product management advisory service that I lead at SiriusDecisions , we hear the term used frequently by b-to-b product managers to refer to products that have the absolute minimum feature set required to launch – products that are devoid of unnecessary and non-value-adding fe


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5 Ways to Rethink the Feature Factory

Daniel Elizalde IoT Blog

The feature factory approach might work for very early stage products. But depending on your product and on its place in the overall technology adoption curve, adding new features (a.k.a working on a feature factory) might not advance the overall goals of the company. That’s why in my IoT courses I strongly emphasize that a Product Manager’s role is not just to add […] The post 5 Ways to Rethink the Feature Factory first appeared on Daniel Elizalde.

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My Financial Stack as a Millennial

Sachin Rekhi

Over the last month I've spent time optimizing the financial services, apps, and tools that I use on a regular basis. I arrived at what I call my financial stack based on conversations with friends, colleagues, experts, as well as my own research. Lots of folks have been asking me what I ultimately landed on, so I wanted to share my financial stack as well as the rationale for my choices.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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Top 5 MVP Tips to Avoid a Product Wreck

Product Warrior

For too many product managers pressures and influencers wreck the the MVP, by turning it into the first release of a new product or update which is "minimal" enough to keep all stakeholders happy. This puts leadership under a powerful delusion of confidence about the product. The spell is lifted after months of delay, huge overspend, unhappy customers and peer pressure.

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How can product managers overcome the fact that they’re not Steve Jobs?


There’s no shortage of rationalizations for product teams that want to avoid implementing a robust strategy for generating user insight early and often. From regulatory restrictions to limited time and resources, I’ve heard them all. But one excuse in particular that strikes me is the reference to organizations that innovate successfully without presumably involving user feedback.

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Minimum Viable Products and Product Requirements; Upcoming Webcasts; Competitive Analysis Workshop in Boston

Good Product Manager

Minimum Viable Products Don’t Replace Product Requirements – They Help Identify Them. “Minimum viable product” (MVP) is the term du jour among entrepreneurs and increasingly among product managers. In the product management advisory service that I lead at SiriusDecisions , we hear the term used frequently by b-to-b product managers to refer to products that have the absolute minimum feature set required to launch – products that are devoid of unnecessary and non-value-adding fe

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That awkard moment when your costs double…

Bryce York

As you probably know, I’ve been working on a new product for the past few months. It’s taken a long while to get here, but I think that’s got a lot to do with the fact it’s a food product. I’m sure you can imagine… There’s a lot of regulation and due diligence required when you’re planning to sell something with the goal of feeding it to thousands of people.

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How to Find Product-Market Fit Before You Design Anything


Product-market fit doesn’t happen by magic. Too many companies make the mistake of coming up with a brilliant idea for a product, investing huge amounts of time and money in designing and developing it, and then (maybe) getting some user … The post How to Find Product-Market Fit Before You Design Anything appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Organizing a Large Product Backlog

Folding Burritos

Trying to organize a large product backlog is a tough thing to do. As times goes by, and the product grows, what was once a simple list of prioritized items gets unwieldy. Working from a huge list makes it very difficult to navigate and very easy to get “lost” in it. You lose track of what’s going on, what should come next and what’s really low priority.

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Breaking News of How Analytics are Enabling Services Growth


We interrupt our regularly scheduled IoT blog series to bring you an extraordinary earnings report from an industrial equipment company that highlights the significant role of smart, connected products and IoT in driving services growth. Most, if not all, companies place growing total revenue at the top of their strategic priorities. However, the industry hasn’t quite figured out how to pull it off.

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How can product managers overcome the fact that they’re not Steve Jobs?


There’s no shortage of rationalizations for product teams that want to avoid implementing a robust strategy for generating user insight early and often. From regulatory restrictions to limited time and resources, I’ve heard them all. But one excuse in particular that strikes me is the reference to organizations that innovate successfully without presumably involving user feedback.

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How can product managers overcome the fact that they’re not Steve Jobs?


There’s no shortage of rationalizations for product teams that want to avoid implementing a robust strategy for generating user insight early and often. From regulatory restrictions to limited time and resources, I’ve heard them all. But one excuse in particular that strikes me is the reference to organizations that innovate successfully without presumably involving user feedback.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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How to Structure Your Managed Services Organization


One of the top challenges facing today’s managed service providers is the shape and structure of their managed services organization. Whether you’re starting or will be starting a new MS business in the near future, here’s an example of an ideal MS organization structure and the functions of each of the key roles.

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Customer Onboarding: What's Next?


Customer onboarding is more than simply getting a customer up and running with your solution. It’s about making sure you’re prepared to answer your customer’s next question, “What’s next?” Here’s a look at how you can improve your customer onboarding process to not only get them set up, but started down the right path to successfully adopting and achieving their desired outcomes with your products and services.

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Collecting the Low-Hanging Fruit in IoT


In the age of IoT, companies are manufacturing smart, connected products , driving service efficiency, and optimizing customer processes that drive improvements for both themselves and their customers. However, before you can begin focusing on customer outcomes and understanding the systems your solution is in by leveraging analytics , you need to create the right B4B offer types that follow the Remote Services Continuum and connect with your sales initiatives to create profitable growth.

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How to Connect Your Service Offers to Business Value: Part 2


In the first part of this three part series, I discussed the top factors driving the shift to outcome-based offers, as well as the key capabilities required to be successful. Let’s dig a little deeper into how to get started, and in particular, how to surface the unmet needs of your customers.

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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When Instructors Aren't Instructing, Where Does Their Time Go?


The typical staffing model for education services organizations is very delivery intensive, where instructors make up the majority of the organization’s headcount. To keep instructors instructing rather than focusing on non-productive, non-billable tasks, it’s up to ES organizations to ensure that instructors are spending their time efficiently.

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3 Things Your App Needs to Do to Retain New Users


Every Tuesday, UserTesting studies a different topic to share here on the blog. We hope you’ll learn some nifty research techniques and get inspired to run some insightful tests of your own. Enjoy, and check back in next Tuesday! What’s … The post 3 Things Your App Needs to Do to Retain New Users appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

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How to Win on Mobile: Understanding Micro-Moments and Consumer Behavior


The mobile landscape has completely changed consumer behavior. Over the last few months Google released new research that has major implications for brands who want to win in an increasingly mobile world. There’s no doubt that mobile is becoming more … The post How to Win on Mobile: Understanding Micro-Moments and Consumer Behavior appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

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3 Essential Tips for User Testing Prototypes: Advice From Our Agency to Yours


Today’s guest post comes from Rami Perry, Digital Marketing Consultant at Centresource. Enjoy! Centresource, our mobile and web design development agency, has been around for 12 years—an eternity in digital—and in that time, one of our biggest learnings is this: … The post 3 Essential Tips for User Testing Prototypes: Advice From Our Agency to Yours appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.

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How to Manufacture Desire


This guest post is adapted from Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal. Nir blogs about the psychology of products at NirAndFar.com. Type the name of almost any successful consumer web company into your search bar and … The post How to Manufacture Desire appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

Naming 20
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How to Manufacture Desire


This guest post is adapted from Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal. Nir blogs about the psychology of products at NirAndFar.com. Type the name of almost any successful consumer web company into your search bar and … The post How to Manufacture Desire appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

Naming 20
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A/B Testing Mobile Apps: Q&A with Apptimize


Today’s post is a Q&A session with Nancy Hua, CEO of Apptimize. Enjoy! Q: What are the most common UX problems you see on mobile apps? A: One of the most common problems we see mobile apps doing is … The post A/B Testing Mobile Apps: Q&A with Apptimize appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

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A/B Testing Mobile Apps: Q&A with Apptimize


Today’s post is a Q&A session with Nancy Hua, CEO of Apptimize. Enjoy! Q: What are the most common UX problems you see on mobile apps? A: One of the most common problems we see mobile apps doing is … The post A/B Testing Mobile Apps: Q&A with Apptimize appeared first on UserTesting Blog.

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Beyond the Basics of A/B Tests: Highly Innovative Experimentation Tactics You Need to Know

Speaker: Timothy Chan, PhD., Head of Data Science

Are you ready to move beyond the basics and take a deep dive into the cutting-edge techniques that are reshaping the landscape of experimentation? 🌐 From Sequential Testing to Multi-Armed Bandits, Switchback Experiments to Stratified Sampling, Timothy Chan, Data Science Lead, is here to unravel the mysteries of these powerful methodologies that are revolutionizing how we approach testing.