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Interview Questions for Product Managers

All About Product Management

Several months ago I spent a lot of time interviewing potential Product Manager and Lead Product Managers to head up a product team. Listed below are some common interview questions along with some that I hand crafted for the particular PM job s being advertised at the time. There are no right or wrong answers for most of the questions. The purpose is to find out how a person will operate under different scenarios.

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Sachin Rekhi

As a new year's resolution this year I decided to finally start blogging to share some of my thoughts on technology, entrepreneurship, and product management. I'll be writing mainly to help collect my own ideas, but I hope that some of you may find it interesting as well. I'm also often asked similar questions about my experiences from colleagues, so I plan on using this as a public forum to answer some of them.


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How do you demonstrate that you can manage products

All About Product Management

Product Management interview question: Tell me about a project you have run or a product you have managed through its life cycle? This is an interview question that gives you the opportunity to: a) Demonstrate that you have a practical experience in the product development process. b) That you have considered the user by developing a product that utilises technology to solve a problem and therefore meets the customer’s needs. c) That you are able to lead with-out-authority by matrix managing a c

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Product Managers Need to Show Engineers “What Good Looks Like”

All About Product Management

Much has been written about how product managers can get along with the engineering teams – however the converse is also just as important – engineers need to get along and deliver for product managers. Delivery should not be confined to the production of working software at the end of a sprint or project but delivery should also be expanded to day to day issues: technical, scheduling and timing, releases, scope creep and additional demand, unit testing etc… What the product manager need is solu

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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How to Create Products Customers Love

All About Product Management

Product Management View Webinar Series – Marty Cagan, of SVPG, presents “How to Create Products Customers Love. A webinar that is well worth half an hour of your time - where Marty highlights 10 Techniques for discovering products that are: valuable, usable and feasible - taken from his book inspired. 1# Make sure you know what problem you’re trying to solve and that it’s worth solving. 2# Create a product strategy so that you know what you are trying to solve – even if you’re using agile!

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How to be a better Product Manager

All About Product Management

Graham Jones co-founder of Lane4 an international performance development consultancy gives several tips, in his recent article “ How the Best of the Best Get Better and Better ”, published in this months addition of Harvard Business Review, on improving your management performance – many of the tips are applicable to Product Managers. The article draws several parallels between successful sports and athletics personal.

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What’s Product Management is like a Year after Implementing Agile

All About Product Management

It’s been over a year since the product management team went on a series of agile/scrum training courses. The transformation and associated challenges over the past 14 months have been quite interesting. Here’s a report on the journey, progress, issues encountered and experiences to date. Product Management Prior to Scrum Before agile working practices where adopted the Product Managers role consisted of a lot of short term tactical wins coupled with continual fire fighting.

Agile 48
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Where will the product manager be in 3 years time?

All About Product Management

Where do you, as the Product Manager, see yourself in three years time? I always find this question challenging: the pace of product management and technology is moving so fast that it would be quite difficult to predict where or what today’s product manager would be doing in three or five years time. However here are a few thoughts that may help you answer the question and put you on track for a prolonged and fruitful career as a Product Manager Stress on seeing yourself as a successful Product

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7 things the Product Manager needs to consider when bypassing processes

All About Product Management

Wikipedia , states that: Product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and disposal. Therefore it is important that the product manager believes and supports the processes that the company has implemented. However are there ever situations when it is acceptable to break an agreed process?

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Secure SaaS Success: Embedded Finance as a Competitive Advantage

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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If you want to get into Product Management - then ask a good Product Manager.

All About Product Management

Many ask the question “How do I get into Product Management” well here are a few links to Q&As, on the topic, on Jeff Lash’s new website ‘Ask a Good Product Manager’ How can a software engineer become a product manager? View my answer to this question - hopefully it will help not just the asker but many more software engineers who want to make the transition from software engineering to product management.

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How do Product Managers Keep up with Technology?

All About Product Management

In general Product Management and/or Technical Product Management is about orientating between business and markets trends and needs and being able utilise technology to define product features and enhancements. Marty Cagan, in his article Are You Technical Enough? States that: "When I interview product management candidates, I’m looking hard at these two points.

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Product Manager adopting web2.0 agile software development

All About Product Management

In the world of web development online product managers have two choices big bang (probably using waterfall) Vs incremental redesign (and empower product development ) of the websites their responsible for. The world of online moves at such a fast pace that by the time you carry out your research, then work with an analyst to document your findings in the form user requirements and then design and build your website (or online product) and then launch/re-launch it, the original research is in da

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Interview question on under performing

All About Product Management

What would you do if your boss called you to a meeting and informed you that your team has been complaining about your lack of leadership and management? You would or course be surprised even shocked because you would have put things in place to ensure that you where leading and managing the team well. Once you express that you would be surprised you could then: 1.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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From Technical Support to Product Management

All About Product Management

Mark Barnes has extensive experience in facing customers, initially as a customer support engineer and then later in his career as a product manager. Continue reading to learn more about his transition and views about product management. 1. What’s your academic background/training? BEng in Electronics Engineering from Sussex University. Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from Chartered Institute of Marketing. 2.

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Interview Question: How Do Product Managers Handle Success?

All About Product Management

The interviewer poses the folloing question: "You, and your team, were involved in a successful launch of a new product that exceeded business expectations during its first phase - what would you do?" First I would Celebrate [with the team of course] and then…. Follow Brian Lawley’s advice which is stay humble and give credit to the team. Following that it would be critical to analyse all the activities that led to the success launch of the product.

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Where do you see your product in two years time?

All About Product Management

Looking into the future and knowing what the competition, the market and your product will be like is probably one of the most challenging tasks that any product manager has to undertake. This can be a tricky question to answer at a job interview. “ Where do you see product x in y years time ”? How a product manager answers this question gives the interviewer an insight as to how much of a visionary they are and whether or not they keep a keen eye on technology as it progresses.

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How others have moved into Product Management

All About Product Management

How do I become a product manager? There is no one right answer to this question however one thing we do know is that very few if any people enter the realms of technical product management immediately. I have interviewed a number of Product Managers who have shared their background, experiences, likes, dislikes and given tips on how to succeed. 1. From Marketing to Product Management Ivan Chalif studied psychology and counselling at university as opposed to business studies or technology – howe

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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From Marketing to Product Management

All About Product Management

Ivan Chalif is author of th eblog The Productologist. He is also a founding member of the Silicon Valley Product Management Association ( SVPMA ). In addition to creating the original logo, and managing the website and forums, Ivan was instrumental in organizing early SVPMA events and establishing the organization’s charter. 1. What’s your academic background/training?

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How Product Managers can estimate business value using agile techniques

All About Product Management

We recently finished a scrum sprint; during the sprint review the technical team gave a demonstration, to senior business owners, of the newly developed functionality and bug fixes they had done during the sprint. It was noted at the sprint retrospective and subsequent discussions, that followed, that the demonstration gave equal weighting in terms of the time spent demonstrating each user story.

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How to improve your Product Management career and grow in your job

All About Product Management

I have recently been interviewing Product Managers about their jobs and writing interview Q&As for those who may be going for a job in Product Management. ( Refer to 'Your Career' for a list of articles). The aim is to provide individuals who want to get into Product Management with ideas, insight, inspiration and encouragement – one common thread that spreads across all the interviews is that everyone had a different role before they entered the world of Product Management.

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Transition from Web Developer to Product Manager

All About Product Management

People often ask the question – How do I to get into Product Management [from being a software engineer, project manager, business analyst etc…]. Patrick Jolley is a case in point of a web developer who recognised an opportunity to move into Product Management and took it. 1. What’s your academic background/training? I studied Business Information Technology at University.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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From R&D Engineer to Product Manager

All About Product Management

Francois Abbe has had many years experience designing world beating hi tech equipment. He has had the opportunity to travel the globe both as an engineer and product manager representing the products he has designed and ( later on in his career ) that he product managed. 1. What's your academic background/training? After graduating in France, I followed a B.Eng in Electronics and Communication Engineering. 2.

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Product Management moves into IT/IS departments?

All About Product Management

The function and role of product management will become crucial as businesses expand and become more dependent on technology departments to asist them in gaining the competitive advantage. But what is 'Technical Product Management'? When asked to describe Product Management in one sentence Marty Cagan said: "This is the person responsible for discovering and defining a product that is useful, usable and feasible.

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Product Managers need to reduce and handle stress

All About Product Management

What type of situations cause you stress? How do you handle stress? Stress can be a killer and every Product Manager and Project Mangers would have experienced during the course of their career. I was asked the question “How do you handle stress?” when I was being interviewed for a Product Mangers job at my current company and I have made it a point to ask the question of every Product Manager that I interview.

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Interview answers to questions regarding demands on development resource

All About Product Management

How would handle a senior business stakeholder that demands more than you can deliver with in a certain timeframe? If you have had experience in managing projects and products using scrum (or some other agile management frame work) then this would be your opportunity to demonstrate that you understand the benefits of scrum to manage stakeholders at all levels (see - Part #6 How Everyone Can Get Involved in Agile ).

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.