Sat.Aug 15, 2020 - Fri.Aug 21, 2020

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How to Build a Killer Product Microsite

Mind the Product

Today your customers are reluctant to buy, so what can product marketing folks do to help? You can educate your buyers. Whenever they are ready to buy, they will remember you. Forrester SiriusDecisions says 67% of the buyer journey is done digitally. This provides a great platform for your inbound strategy to educate the target [.]. Read More. The post How to Build a Killer Product Microsite appeared first on Mind the Product.

Inbound 198
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Not Everyone Has to Be Your Customer

The Product Coalition

I’m sure you all know that, but knowing and doing are very different things. Here is a quick guide on when and how to let go. SplitShire-London-Collection-210062 When I work with companies on sharpening the value proposition and refining the product strategy, one of our information sources for the process is their existing customers. Who they are, why they chose to work with the company, what value they are getting out of the product, etc.


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Your (Product) Baby Is Ugly, and So Is Mine


It’s not personal, but your baby is ugly. As product people, it can often feel like we are calling other peoples’ babies ugly when we have a new idea or we challenge whether the current product is the best it could be. Having launched more than 15 products, I’ve heard this phrase more times than. Read more » The post Your (Product) Baby Is Ugly, and So Is Mine appeared first on ProductCraft by Pendo.

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Take back your time: How to unlock the hidden value in your calendar

Intercom, Inc.

One of the most finite resources we have is time. And as an Executive Assistant, one of my top priorities is to ensure my leaders not only have enough time in the day, but are able to be effective, efficient, and productive. Helping them accomplish this isn’t an easy task, but it’s fundamental to their success. Allow too many meetings to pile on to their calendar, and they face some serious hydration and bladder issues.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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Key Differences Between the Role of a Product Manager in Startups vs. Large Enterprises

Product Management Unpacked

Companies of all sizes across industries are looking to hire product managers. With this in mind, company culture, resources and the specific demands of different roles probably play a big part in your decision to take a product management position at a company. While there is a key set of skills that every great product manager has, each specific role comes with its own demands, challenges and priorities.

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Remember Successful Features

The Product Guy

It’s easy to take notice of your failed features, but don’t lose sight of those initial successes, you may be missing some big opportunities. Watch and learn more from product management expert, Amin Bashi.

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Tech philosopher Alex Wolf on designing harmonious technology

Intercom, Inc.

Unpacking this central conundrum is at the heart of Alex Wolf’ s work – the self-described “consumer-facing anthropologist” has made a career by thinking deeply and talking widely about issues related to the pervasive role of technology in modern life. She asks what are the risks involved in “outsourcing” so many of our skills to technology. She wonders how do we design tools that complement rather than overwhelm our innate humanity.

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3 Reasons You Don’t Need a Sales Discovery Document for Every Product

Product Management University

Do you recommend a sales discovery document for each product? 3 Reasons You Don’t Need a Sales Discovery Document for Every Product. 1. Objection, Your Honor…Leading the Witness. We already know what problems our product solves and it’s safe to assume every buyer has the majority of them! The bigger question is why are they so important now?

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3 ways the Curse of Knowledge can Sabotage Product People

Mind the Product

The dreaded curse of knowledge! <thunderclap> One of the few psychological phenomena that’s actually as scary as it sounds. If you’ve done any reading on cognitive biases, you’ve probably heard of it. Here’s a common definition: “The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, communicating with other individuals, unknowingly assumes that [.].

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Guide to the Top 5 Ways to Monetize Your Subscriber Base

Learn effective monetization strategies with iolo’s guide. Designed for product managers, discover actionable insights and practical tips on upselling premium features, and more. Sharpen your monetization tactics and unlock new revenue streams. Download your copy and start expanding your business today!

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Applying Empathy to Build Great Teams

The Product Guy

Empathy is an indispensable skill that product managers can utilize to get deeper understanding of user needs, gain better alignment among stakeholders and build high performing teams by cultivating a culture of collaboration and respect. In a recent live stream from one of our mentors of The Product Mentor , Tauheed Ahmed, lead a conversation on this topic.

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The real cost of adding a new feature

The Product Coalition

Do you really understand all the costs of building a new feature and how it impacts your business? Continue reading on Product Coalition ».

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Marketplaces Make Their Mark In The Channel

Jay McBain

Online marketplaces have been around in one form or another for decades. Accelerating the trend is a myriad of factors including changing buying behaviors and demographics, companies shifting to subscription and consumption models, and the rising importance of ecosystems. Put simply, the future business buyer will look more and more like a consumer.

B2B 143
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Being Effective and Efficient in Product: Learnings from the #mtpcon Session Speakers

Mind the Product

At #mtpcon Digital 2020, we enjoyed 18 Breakout Session talks, across three days, from some of the best product people around. We’ve now released them all and in this final selection, discover how to be more effective and efficient in your role. Check out the videos to watch sessions with Bruce McCarthy, Jonathan Hassell, Amber [.]. Read More.

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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TEI 296: Better product testing – with Luke Freiler

Product Innovation Educators

What product managers need to know about customer validation and alpha, beta, and delta testing. Product testing is about more than determining if a product functions properly or not. A larger perspective, and one that our guests shares is Customer Validation. We discuss how to use the various types of product tests, including alpha, beta, and delta tests, to judge product performance, customer satisfaction, and areas for improvement.

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How to Get Featured on Google Play and Adapt ASO to Different Countries

The Product Coalition

the Full HP studio tells their story Full HP Ltd is an international mobile game development company with 40+ employees and offices in Rostov-on-Don and Cyprus. Their portfolio includes 8 games, among them Mad GunZ (a Google Play Editors’ choice) and Blocky Cars (a Catappult Editors’ choice). Mad GunZ has over 12 million downloads on all platforms, and Blocky Cars has over 32 million.

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Systems Thinking Approach to Implementing Kanban (STATIK) for Scrum Teams

Agile Velocity

STATIK (Systems Thinking Approach To Implementing Kanban 1 2 ) can be a great technique to help teams get up and running quickly, even teams that are using Scrum. . Applying the STATIK approach leverages the first principle of the Kanban method, “Start with what you do, or know, now”, in order to help avoid over-thinking how existing work, structures, and/or roles “fit” within Scrum.

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How to be a Successful Product Owner, by Ninon Laforce

Mind the Product

In this ProductTank Toronto talk, Ninon Laforce, then of Bluecat, provides us with some of the key skills and techniques needed to become a product owner. Her key points include: What is a product owner Becoming a great product owner The responsibilities and challenges of a product owner What is a Product Owner A product owner addresses [.]. Read More.

Agile 101
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Product Strategy Agility: How to Use Experiments and Options to Create Products Your Customers Love

Speaker: Johanna Rothman - Management Consultant, Rothman Consulting Group

Senior leaders often want to see months - or years - long product roadmaps. But these predictions often do not create products your customers will love. While customers aren’t fickle, they often do not know what they want until you give them something to try. That means product leaders need to integrate experiments and options into their roadmaps. In this presentation, Johanna Rothman will explain: How to limit the duration of a roadmap and show possible options.

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This VP is Doing Things Differently in the Product Org — Here’s His Playbook

First Round Review

As the VP of Product at Divvy, Tyler Hogge shares his tips for truly empowering your product managers to deliver outcomes, including aligning with revenue teams and adding variable comp.

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A simple system for PMs to talk to users in B2B SaaS

The Product Coalition

Illustration by Olga Zalite Show me a product manager who touts the importance of talking to customers and I’ll show you a handful who find it challenging to maintain such habit. Direct customer engagement is the best way to develop product judgement in order to make the right product decisions. The argument that “ Steve Jobs didn’t ask what customers want because customers don’t always know what they want” is faulty.

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For Product Professionals, Leadership Success Demands Influence


Product professionals are the consummate integrator-leaders. They ply their trade across organizational boundaries, ensuring all parties are prepared to do their part to support the firm’s offerings. And typically, they do this hard work without the formal authority bestowed by title or rank. Serving as a product professional is a tough job. Yet many individuals.

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P This, M That, by Marc De Pape

Mind the Product

The acronym “PM” and also the role of a product manager means something different everywhere. In this ProductTank Toronto talk, Marc De Pape, Director of Strategic Design at, dissects the product manager role from its early beginnings to the current role and a potential future. Watch the video to see Marc’s talk in full. Or [.]. Read More.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Kafka

Without proper guidance, it’s easy to miss out on Kafka’s full capabilities. While not the easiest technology to optimize, Kafka rewards those willing to explore its depths. Under the hood, it is an elegant system for stream processing, event sourcing, and data integration. Download this white paper to learn the 10 critical rules that will help you optimize your Kafka system and unlock its full potential.

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5 Things I Do to Stay On Top of Our 700+ Clients As CEO


I’ll admit it. I’m kind of obsessed. In my brain, I’m always thinking about our clients. How are they doing? Are we delivering on our promise to them? Has their experience been positive? Do we have the right relationships? I guess since I am the CEO of THE Customer Success company, that focus makes sense. But knowing 1000s of CEOs, I know many of you are the same.

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7 (more!) Real Product Manager Interview Questions and Answers

The Product Coalition

Nail the interview by preparing with these questions and answers. Continue reading on Product Coalition ».

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Introducing Nova AutoML: A New Architecture for Predictive Insights


Contributing authors: Scott Kramer, Bilal Mahmood, Bill Pentney, Eric Pollmann, Jeffrey Wang. Product analytics has traditionally and primarily been about observing the past: count the number of sign-ups since last Monday; observe how many of those users purchase on Tuesday; measure their retention by Wednesday. Product teams do these measurements in the past so that they can influence the future: forecast how many users will sign up next week; estimate user affinity to make their first purchase

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Thinking Outside the Product Box by Jimena Almendares

Mind the Product

In this #mtpcon Digital 2020 keynote, Jimena Almendares, Product Executive at Facebook, uses data to dismantle the idea of a “normal” user, showing the benefits of building products beyond biases and binaries. Watch the video to see her talk in full. Or read on for an overview of her key points: There’s no such thing [.]. Read More. The post Thinking Outside the Product Box by Jimena Almendares appeared first on Mind the Product.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.