September, 2020

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The Five Product Movements Model (5PMM)

Product Management Today Submitted Articles

Over the past decade, I have worked extensively with many B2B enterprise software companies. My role has principally focused on the individual and collective performance of the product management and the development management functions. This has included the assessment, formation, development, and re-engineering of the product management function.

B2B 242
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A Practical Guide for Agile Teams (2020)

Product Management Today Submitted Articles

This is my complete guide to Product Discovery in 2020.

Agile 246

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Product Manager’s Secret 2020 Weapon: Remote Workshops

Mind the Product

As product managers we are, at our core, facilitators. It is ultimately up to us to get all interested parties to align and collaborate on building the right thing for our business and making sure we understand our users so it’s the right thing for the market. As such, we spend a lot of our [.]. Read More. The post Product Manager’s Secret 2020 Weapon: Remote Workshops appeared first on Mind the Product.

Workshop 235
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Post-Pandemic Mobile App Improvement Strategies by Industry | Travel & Hospitality, Retail & Shopping, Food & Drink

Alchemer Mobile

We won’t waste your time by belaboring the point that COVID-19 has dramatically impacted almost every industry in the world. We’ve been in this global crisis for long enough that most enterprises have gained enough of an understanding of what’s going on so they can stop treading water and start swimming toward the future. According to a report by Statista , this is how various industries have been impacted by the pandemic.

Travel 246
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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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Designing Series: How we built our customer messaging orchestration tool

Intercom, Inc.

Last week we released Series , a brand new way to orchestrate customer messaging campaigns in Intercom. Series is a visual campaign builder with a very flexible and interactive design – you can easily build out sophisticated customer journeys using the intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making your customer engagement campaigns much more powerful and effective. “Series is so intuitive that it feels natural and obvious – and yet, the design was not inevitable at all” Indeed, Series is

Messaging 232

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Inspiring Strong Product Leaders: A Conversation with Petra Wille

Product Talk

I first met Petra Wille, a fellow product coach, at Mind the Product and was immediately impressed with her work. While I tend to focus on helping teams, Petra’s work centers around helping product leaders—the people who manage product managers. The people in these roles don’t always come from a product background, so they may need guidance to understand the essentials of product management and what best practices look like in the real world.

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The 5 P’s of Product Management

Product Management Today Submitted Articles

It takes an insane amount of hard work and effort to become a Great Product Manager (I’m very much still on the journey myself). And once you get there, it takes more consistent work to stay at the top of your game.

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Embracing the Art of Prioritisation by Emily Tate

Mind the Product

Prioritising a backlog is a technically simple task, so why is it so hard? In this ProductTank London talk Emily Tate – Chief of Staff at MindTheProduct, helps us embrace the art of prioritisation. Watch the video to see her talk in full, or read on for an overview of her key points. Focus When working [.]. Read More. The post Embracing the Art of Prioritisation by Emily Tate appeared first on Mind the Product.

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Best Practices for Healthcare Mobile App Development and Telemedicine Apps

Alchemer Mobile

Healthcare is personal and often very emotional. We all know and understand this. However, when it comes to our technology reflecting this fact, many providers and organizations haven’t quite caught up. Telehealth and healthcare mobile apps can feel cold, robotic, and impersonal. This experience doesn’t reflect the care and thoughtfulness of individual providers and healthcare professionals.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Announcing Series: Intercom’s powerful new visual campaign builder

Intercom, Inc.

Customer engagement has never been more essential to business survival. Retaining your hard-won customers is the difference between success and failure for online businesses, and the key to retention is excellent customer communication. Successful customer engagement depends on sending the right message, at the right time, and in the right place. Getting this delicate dance right, however, requires careful choreography, with every step considered and planned.

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Product Management Skills: Influence Without Authority

The Product Coalition

Anyone familiar with Product Management will recognize the immortal phrase ‘influence without authority.’ As a Product Manager, you’re a team player who guides product development along its chartered course, but you have to do that without being the literal captain of the ship. You somehow have to bring together a rowdy bunch of tech professionals (data scientists, UX and UI designers , software engineers, etc) and make a valuable and functional product happen.

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Hiring a Head of Product

Mironov Consulting

Over the last three decades, across 10 full-time jobs and 150 consulting clients, I’ve headed up product teams 18 times (mostly as interim VP ) and helped another dozen companies choose their Head of Product. That may be the record for anyone other than search professionals. Here are some patterns I’ve seen in picking successful Heads of Product.

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A flight-tested framework for effective goal

Product Management Today Submitted Articles

One of the most impactful things a product leader can do to help their team succeed is to point everyone in the same direction—to channel all of the team’s energy, focus, and resources towards an aligned outcome.

Framework 162
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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Beware the Tyranny of Customer Feedback

Mind the Product

The customer is always right – right? This adage – one that many of us grew up with – is a guiding principle of product development. If we can just listen to the customer – if we just give them what we want, our path to product success can’t be too far off. Isn’t that [.]. Read More. The post Beware the Tyranny of Customer Feedback appeared first on Mind the Product.

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Brilliant Product Pivots from Lifestyle Apps Based on Changing Mobile Customer Behaviors

Alchemer Mobile

In the first half of 2020, iOS and Google Play apps were downloaded 64 billion times, an increase of five percent year-over-year and 10 percent from the second half of 2019. The global pandemic “has changed consumer behavior on mobile forever,” according to App Annie. Coronavirus has dramatically changed all of our lives. There’s no doubt about it.

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The appliance of science: Mark Roberge’s formula for scaling

Intercom, Inc.

What kind of information drives that decision: is it subjective and qualitative, or objective and quantifiable? It’s the classic conflict: left brain versus right brain; art versus science. Mark Roberge knows which he prefers. As an engineer by training, in pressure situations he tends to “lean to the quant.” It’s an approach that’s served him well along the road to building the HubSpot sales team, where he was CRO for nine years.

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How To Lead a Tech Discovery With No Tech Background

The Product Coalition

Working with developers can be intimidating. But follow this five step process and you’ll be fine. Continue reading on Product Coalition ».

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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6 Small Steps for Handling the Emotional Ups and Downs at Work

First Round Review

Tips you can use every day from seasoned startup veterans and psychology experts on how to manage your emotions at work — especially when you feel outside of your comfort zone.

Startups 145
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Build the B2B Product Manager Organization

Product Management Today Submitted Articles

Congratulations! You’ve been promoted! On your first day as a new B2B exec, your company’s Director of Public Relations wants to chat. Something about a press release. She says you’ll want to address stockholder concerns. To provide hope despite the weak economy and sluggish sales. To give a reason to believe. A reason to have faith in future profits.

B2B 162
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How The Growing Importance of Customer Retention is Changing Product Management

Mind the Product

The SaaS industry is undergoing a quiet revolution. Competition is increasing, products are becoming less differentiated, customers are becoming less loyal, and the cost of acquiring new customers is rising year after year. It’s within this landscape that retaining existing users has become just as important as acquiring new ones. This article focuses on the [.].

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I’ve abandoned “MVP”

Mironov Consulting

After years of struggle, I’m advising all of my clients and product leader coachees to stop using the term “MVP”. Not to stop doing validation, discovery, prototyping or experiments they may associate that that acronym, but to remove the label from all of their docs and presentations and talks. To delete the letters MVP from roadmaps and product charters.

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.

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Sweating the details: Designing improvements to our product navigation

Intercom, Inc.

We recently shipped a suite of new features to dramatically uplevel Intercom’s support capabilities, including advanced ticketing workflows and richer reporting. In addition to those features, we also took the opportunity to improve the main product navigation of the Intercom app in order to make it more usable, intuitive, and polished. The main navigation is a critical area of the Intercom app, and it helps ensure Intercom feels simple to use.

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The Complete List of Public ASX100 APIs

The Product Coalition

We’ve conducted some initial research into the public APIs of the ASX100 because we regularly have conversations about what others are doing with their APIs and what best practices look like. Being able to point to good local examples and explain what is happening in Australia is a key part of this conversation. Method The method used for this initial research was to obtain a list of the ASX100 (as of 18 September 2020).

Banking 163
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Use This Startup's Playbook for Running Impactful Virtual Offsites

First Round Review

Many team retreats have the tendency to leave participants feeling exhausted, sick of slide deck presentations and itching to get back to the emails that have been piling up in their absence—and virtual offsites add marathon Zoom sessions and interruptions at home to the mix. Here, the Sitka team shares how they planned an intentional, engaging virtual offsite, delving into the framework, agenda and tactics they used to pull it off.

Startups 140
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Product Goals: Using Objectives and Key Results

Product Management Today Submitted Articles

This is my complete guide to Product Goals in 2020.

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Beyond the Basics of A/B Tests: Highly Innovative Experimentation Tactics You Need to Know

Speaker: Timothy Chan, PhD., Head of Data Science

Are you ready to move beyond the basics and take a deep dive into the cutting-edge techniques that are reshaping the landscape of experimentation? 🌐 From Sequential Testing to Multi-Armed Bandits, Switchback Experiments to Stratified Sampling, Timothy Chan, Data Science Lead, is here to unravel the mysteries of these powerful methodologies that are revolutionizing how we approach testing.

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Build What Matters by Rajesh Nerlikar and Ben Foster – Free Chapter!

Mind the Product

In their new book, Build What Matters (£26.99), Rajesh Nerlikar and Ben Foster introduce you to their methodology for becoming a product-driven company. Through their tested strategies, stories of personal success, and case studies from their product advisory clients at Prodify, you’ll learn how Vision-Led Product Management helps you achieve company objectives by meeting both [.].

Vision 191
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Get newsletters in Feedly

Roy Madden

New Feature. Declutter your inbox and read without distractions. Newsletters are quickly becoming the best way to get curated insights on specific topics, trends, or industries. But inboxes aren’t the best place for focused reading. Keeping up with newsletters in your inbox can be a disorganized, distracting, and overwhelming experience. That’s why you can now get newsletters in Feedly.

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Built for You: How customer feedback informs what we ship

Intercom, Inc.

At Intercom we believe great things can happen when you have a conversation. Which is why customer feedback is a big deal to all of our teams – it’s really integral to what we do and how we build. So If you’ve ever asked yourself – how does my feedback add up to the features and updates that we build? Then this podcast has the answers.