Sat.May 12, 2018 - Fri.May 18, 2018

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Why do we Forget That Product Management is a Tough Career?

Mind the Product

Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut – or a dinosaur. I think I got closer to being a dinosaur, I certainly did more practice! As an adult, if I could trade careers overnight I’d quite like to be an actor. The challenge of authentically playing different characters in different situations appeals to me, but I know it’s a career that is much harder than it appears.

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Product to Product: Venmo’s Ben Mills on the messiness of leading a product team


It’s the second last episode of Product to Product’ s second season! Listen to the episode below: As we reach our final stretch of exploring the human side of product , we’re joined by Ben Mills , Head of Product at Venmo, this episode. Overseeing a team of 11 product managers, Ben is a step removed from managing the actual product at Venmo.


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Podcast Q&A: Dropbox’s viral growth, Uber’s tricky funnels, and future growth channels

Andrew Chen

[Hi readers: I wanted to share a podcast interview I did with Adam Risman of Intercom, who interviewed me on a wide array of topics including Dropbox’s viral growth methods, my time at Uber, and future growth strategies. This was originally published on Intercom’s blog here. Hope you enjoy! -A]. Listen to the podcast here ». tldr; Here’s 5 quick takeaways.

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Why product managers need to know UX

The Product Coalition

UX and product management have broadly the same goals?—?to understand users’ needs, to create excellent experiences that solve those needs and to keep innovating products, with these aims in mind. Product managers make up a sizeable proportion of the graduates of our courses. They benefit from learning the UX mindset, introducing UX techniques directly into their workflow and influencing others in their organisation to adopt UX as an integral process.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Why your growth depends on taking risks with your hiring strategy

Intercom, Inc.

There’s a key turning point for your hiring strategy in a rapidly scaling team or organization. The inflection point is when you go from only being comfortable hiring star candidates who pose very little risk to taking chances on candidates who don’t tick all the boxes but who have promise and potential. Making that transition smoothly is crucial for your longer-term growth.

Strategy 222

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What Blocks our Empathy in the Design Thinking Process?

Mind the Product

Empathy is the foundation of the whole Design Thinking process. Putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes enhances our ability to receive and process information, which helps us understand how other people experience the world. As a product designer, I know that empathy helps me to recognise the difficulties that people face, alongside their needs and desires, and that I can then use that knowledge to design the best solution for their challenges.

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Product Backlog vs. Sprint Backlog

Product Management University

What’s the difference between a product backlog and a sprint backlog? There are two key differences between a product backlog and a sprint backlog. A sprint backlog typically covers a few sprints whereas a product backlog covers a much longer timeframe like one or two quarters. The second difference is the content and context within each document. The content in a product backlog should be more WHO, WHAT & WHY – who is the user, what job task will you help them improve, why is it important

Document 100
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Understand context and diminish risk: How to build your first Wardley Map with RealtimeBoard


Understand context and diminish risk: How to build your first Wardley Map with RealtimeBoard Wardley Maps are all about strategy. To be more precise, it’s about building an intuitive and shareable understanding of your context so the strategy you adopt ends up being a good one. All this is especially helpful if you are starting […]. The post Understand context and diminish risk: How to build your first Wardley Map with RealtimeBoard appeared first on RealtimeBoard Blog.

Blog 118
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ClassPass’ Founder on How Marketplace Startups Can Achieve Product/Market Fit

First Round Review

It's rarely a straight line to product/market fit. Here are ClassPass founder Payal Kadakia's hard-won tips for marketplace startups that helped her guide her company from a near-bust to a $470M game-changer.

Startups 110
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Secure SaaS Success: Embedded Finance as a Competitive Advantage

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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Product Owner vs Product Manager: Worry About Outcomes not Titles

Mind the Product

Over the past year I’ve worked with hundreds of product managers in dozens of companies, and there’s been one question that has sounded like a persistent drum beat: “ What is the difference between the role of a product owner and a product manager? ”. When confronted with this question, I used to hesitate, because from company to company there are a million things that can affect the roles; the product, larger organization structure, product development process, cultural differences, regional di

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Four Steps to Product Feature ROI

Product Management University

Senior executives often request a product feature ROI prior to approving plans for product development. It’s a mind numbing exercise for product managers and developers and in most cases a fool’s errand. Most products and features are usually interrelated at some level and target the same markets and customers, so how is it possible to predict revenue and cost estimates on a feature by feature basis?

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Choosing the Right Customer for Your Products

The Product Guy

Many product teams make the mistake of trying to serve too many different customer segments particularly early on in the product’s existence. As a result, they struggle to deliver on the features and functionality to keep all customers happy. In this talk, we explore why successful product managers need to clearly define what target customers their products will serve and how they can lead their teams to stay focused on meeting the needs of these customers.

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Design Handoff Guide: Design To Development Without Headaches

UX Studio

By definition, design handoff takes place when the finished design has reached the stage for the developers to implement it. Let’s look at the basics and some suggestions to get the best out of the designer-developer collaboration. We at UX studio have a long history of working with developers during our projects, and fortunately, we get better and better at it every time.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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Clumsy Colossus or Gentle Giant by Julia Whitney

Mind the Product

At this year’s MTP Engage conference in Hamburg executive coach Julia Whitney delivered a well-received keynote on psychological safety, as many studies have shown it to be the most critical factor in building high-performance teams. As product managers we can ruin our team’s speed by “threatening” our team members. Most of the time we do so without even knowing – by questioning the status of a team member for example, or by taking decisions team members felt where just unfair.

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Three Steps to Break Into Product Management

Clever PM

Product Management is a hot role in the current market, partly because there are companies realizing the importance of the role, and partly because everyone seems to think that they can do the job. Without opining on either of those driving forces, in my experience there are three key things that any candidate can do […].

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ClassPass’ Founder on How Marketplace Startups Can Achieve Product/Market Fit

First Round Review

It's rarely a straight line to product/market fit. Here are ClassPass founder Payal Kadakia's hard-won tips for marketplace startups that helped her guide her company from a near-bust to a $470M game-changer.

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My switch from Engineering to Product Management

The Product Coalition

A story of passion, determination, and courage. “May you have the courage and determination to pursue your passion”?—?Anonymous I’ve always enjoyed talking strategy. As a software engineer, I would typically find myself having the desire to be part of the strategic decision making and slight dissatisfaction when I am just handed tasks based on the outcome of business decisions.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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What is Self-Awareness and why Should you Care?

Mind the Product

The biggest opportunity for improvement – in business, at home, and in life – is awareness. Alan Mulally, former CEO of Ford Motor Company. In 2006, Alan Mulally took over as president and CEO of a struggling Ford Motor Company. Ford’s glory days as one of America’s top automotive companies were a distant past, and the company was staring at $17 billion losses.

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It Takes Heart and Rhythm for that Next Product Job

The Product Guy

If you are a great product person looking for a great product job, or vice versa, check out our job board. Thousands of employers across all areas of product, from management to design, from digital to physical, are looking to fill positions from our community. . Each week we highlight some of the recently posted openings. Check out this week’s newest, below….

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Overcoming Short Attention Spans: The Value of In-App Messaging and Software Usage Analytics


Did you make it to the end of the blog title or stop after “short attention spans?” You’ve likely heard that highly circulated statistic that the average attention span of a human – eight seconds – is now shorter than that of a goldfish. And you probably wondered the same thing I did when hearing this statistic: what exactly were the people being asked to pay attention to?

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Wizard of Legend

The Product Coalition

Yesterday… this amazing game was finally released: [link] The thing is that it took more than 2 years to finally arrive! It was a Kickstarter Project that I backed and that was fully funded in July of 2016: Booya. Funded. And guess what… their estimated delivery date was… … … wait for it… … … …: Hmmm. January 2017…?! Yeah, that’s right. January of last year.

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Deliver Mission Critical Insights in Real Time with Data & Analytics

In the fast-moving manufacturing sector, delivering mission-critical data insights to empower your end users or customers can be a challenge. Traditional BI tools can be cumbersome and difficult to integrate - but it doesn't have to be this way. Logi Symphony offers a powerful and user-friendly solution, allowing you to seamlessly embed self-service analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting directly into your applications.

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Fashion Teaches Product Managers About Speed To Market

The Accidental Product Manager

In the fashion industry, speed to market is what matters Image Credit: GoToVan. If you had to, how quickly could you get a new product to market? One month, two months, 6 months, a year? For most product managers, we get our next product to market when we choose to get it there – our customers really don’t have too much say in the matter. However, over the in the fashion industry things are a bit different.

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Who is a Product Manager?

Rahul Abhyankar

Who is John Galt? I came across a question on LinkedIn – Why do you think the role of product manager is so misundestood? In every company, there are people dedicated to specific activities of building, communicating about and selling products. We find these people in R&D, marketing and sales teams. In contrast, the activities … Continue reading Who is a Product Manager?

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How to get more out of remote meetings with RealtimeBoard


How to get more out of remote meetings with RealtimeBoard A meeting with three or more people is always a challenge because it requires synchronization across several independent minds. This is where a group facilitator needs to take control. They ensure that the discussion never gets sidetracked, that everyone is engaged and on the same […]. The post How to get more out of remote meetings with RealtimeBoard appeared first on RealtimeBoard Blog.

Blog 54
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Let’s Stop Talking Solutions and Start Talking about Problems

The Product Coalition

A solution predefined is (probably) a solution unsolved Innovation is all about building the solutions that nobody would think to ask for to the problems that they didn’t realize they had. You wouldn’t go into a doctor’s office with a pain in your side and ask for an appendectomy, you’d let them offer you the solution that they believed best solved your problem, and you’d rely on evidence (the cessation of pain in your side) to determine the quality of that solution.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr