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A Look at Open Source Inside Connected

Sachin Rekhi

The cost of building software products has dramatically fallen compared to a decade ago. Products that used to take millions of dollars are now being built for hundreds of thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars. Two of the most important drivers of falling costs have been open source software and cloud computing. Yesterday I had the delightful task of rebuilding one of our production cloud images for Connected.

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Earning while learning : The Innovative break


This post is in continuation to my last post where I listed down 4 unconventional ways of making money online. In this post, I will discuss about a Innovation platform that lets you earn and learn. Got bored from work…take a break…how if you could earn a few bucks and learn during the break…sounds interesting!!! Try Brand and Me. Its an innovative online platform aimed to connect users with the brands, products and services.


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Does Money Stifle Creativity?

Bryce York

According to Fast Company magazine and a study by MIT, paying people to be creative or productive is often counter productive. The MIT study offered three levels of monetary incentive correlating to the level of success. When the system was tested against menial, mechanical tasks the incentives worked exceptionally well. However, once even even a slight amount of cognition was needed, the larger the reward the worse the participants performed.

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Evernote, The 100 Year Company

Sachin Rekhi

Today I had the pleasure of attending the Evernote Trunk Conference , Evernote’s first ever developer-focused event. I was excited to attend not only because Connected is an app in the Evernote Trunk , but also because Evernote has been a break-out success story in the productivity space. I thought I’d share some of my thoughts from the day. The 100 Year Company.

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Solving Open Source Complexity with a Managed Data Infrastructure Platform

With its unparalleled flexibility, rapid development and cost-saving capabilities, open source is proving time and again that it’s the leader in data management. But as the growth in open source adoption increases, so does the complexity of your data infrastructure. In this Analyst Brief developed with IDC, discover how and why the best solution to this complexity is a managed service, including: Streamlined compliance with some of the most complex regulatory guidelines Simplified operations, li

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BJ Fogg’s 5 Secrets of Behavior Change

Sachin Rekhi

Startup2Startup has been on a roll lately with great events and this week was no exception. BJ Fogg , a professor and researcher from Stanford University, stopped by and shared with us his secrets on behavior change. For those of you who are not familiar with BJ Fogg, he has been studying behavior change for over a decade, is the founder of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford, and author of the book Persuasive Technology.

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The Resurgence of LinkedIn

Sachin Rekhi

In the wake of LinkedIn’s announcement of reaching 100 million members , I’ve been impressed with the resurgence they have had in the past year. I thought I would showcase some of the recent product innovation from LinkedIn as well as cultural shifts we’ve seen from within the company that have contributed to this growth. Product Innovation. For the longest time LinkedIn’s product pace has always been overshadowed by the more nimble Facebook, which has constantly been pushing the envelope both o

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How to Hire Great Engineers for Your Startup

Sachin Rekhi

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the latest Startup2Startup on engineering management with Yishan Wong , an early director of engineering at Facebook. The area we spent the most time discussing, both during the presentation and during the discussion that followed, was how to hire great engineers for your startup. I thought it was a particularly appropriate topic given that I receive weekly requests from colleagues asking me for help on their quest for engineers.

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The imeem Mafia

Sachin Rekhi

Last night I read Sarah Lacy's excellent post entitled Inside the DNA of the Facebook Mafia. If you haven't read it yet, you should. It not only catalogues many of the excellent startups that have come out of Facebook, but the emerging patterns amongst the bunch. It got me thinking about my own experience at my previous startup, imeem. When I think back on imeem, I always felt that we had an incredible group of fascinating, talented, and ambitious people.

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Connected: Your Personal Relationship Manager

Sachin Rekhi

Today I’m excited to announce the launch of my latest venture, Connected. Connected is a personal relationship manager that brings your contacts and conversations together in one place. It integrates with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Gmail, Google Contacts, Google Calendar, and Google Voice to make it easier than ever before to stay on top of your most important relationships.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, we’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in decision-making, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation. Attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights, motivated to embrace AI and leverage its potential in their work. 🦸 🏢 Key objectives:

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4 Unconventional ways of making Money online


" In times of recession, apart from cutting on costs, think of new revenue stream ". This is a tag line I read somewhere, sometime back. Typically most us are employed and the source of income is the monthly salary. Earlier, a job was considered to be the safest avenue of regular income. But with economy being volatile and job cuts being the routine, the scene has changed dramatically.

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The mystery of Crossroads


One of the SMS that I received read "Life is a hard teacher, it takes the test first and then teaches the lesson". I am currently going through a phase where I am learning something new everyday. The learning is not necessarily from my personal experience but also from others for the reasons I talked in the post Half Burnt Bread stories. Recently I have learnt a new lesson.

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Is your Financial Portfolio Complete?


John is a young engineer working with an MNC. He comes from a humble family background. As soon as he started earning, he realized that no matter how much you earn, if you don’t manage your money, you will always be short of money in times of need. He pondered upon the various avenues to manage his finances. He started by covering himself from uncertain situations through Term plan, the cheapest form of life insurance.

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How to see the hidden part of the ball?


Skill Life Cycle I recently happened to attend a training program conducted by Dale Carnegie Training Institute. The trainer talked about a Skill cycle (shown in the pic )that says Practice is what makes knowledge into a skill. Very valid point. I thought for a while and a question popped up in my mind. The Question? Is it possible to practice and experience everything that is needed for a skill?

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Unwrapping the opportunity wrapped in crisis


Go to any leadership, self-help training and they crisis are opportunities…people should embrace them instead of fearing them. I thought why not put my mind to job and logically check if what the gurus preach is relevant…this post is all about unwrapping the opportunity wrapped in crisis… What is Crisis? To start with, lets see what is a crisis….crisis is something which is not routine…For police, riots is a crisis.

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Celebrate Festivals, Spice up Economy


Festivals are an integral part of our lives. They provide us the much needed escape from the boredom of routine and indulge in celebration. The trigger Typically, the festivals are governed by the traditions and rituals. For example, On Dusshera also known as VijayaDashami , the day on which Lord Rama killed Ravana, which I believe is a festival to celebrate respect, the Guajarati community enjoys loads and loads of Fafda (A snack made from gram flour) and Jalebi (A sweet dish).

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The Last Mile…


Today is John's last session with his Leadership coach. His recent failure to deliver the projects forced him to seek the guidance of a professional. John is a project manager in an MNC. Thanks to his technical skills, his leadership skills, he has moved the corporate ladder pretty fast. In short, you name a quality and he has proved that he possesses it.

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Use Google Plus to reach customers more accurately


Now that Google Plus is in Open to All mode, I decided to analyze it and see how it can be used for Business. I have started using Google Plus sometime back, thanks to my friend for sending me the invite. The one feature that forces me to keep using G+ is the concept of circles. Social networking is more or less a virtual world trying to give the same experience as the real world.

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Secure SaaS Success: Embedded Finance as a Competitive Advantage

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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MakeFinSense - A Financial Spa


MakeFinSense is the new initiative of mine. Its a Financial Spa.The Spa meant for rejuvenating,provoking and producing the financial senses. To start with, I have added a simple and pretty useful excel based utility called FinHealthMonito r. A simple and elegant utility to track Investments and liabilities for a period of 24 months. The rationale behind developing this utility is that better planning leads to better Finance Management.

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Innovation makes Communication Effective…


The last post concentrated on emphasizing on how lack of effective communication kills innovation and thus stops a Leader from being a Effective Leader. This post is extension to it. I present another practical example to showcase the impact of Effective communication technique on overall business. The business under consideration is the competitive TV channels paradigm.

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Effective Communication makes Effective Leader


In the last 3 posts of the series about leadership. I shared my views on significance of leadership by taking an example of airport operations, then analyzed Anna Hazare to understand what makes him the youth icon of India at 74. The post how leaders achieve goals was used to talk about importance of processes. This post is to talk about the significance of yet another important tool a effective leadership has to use well.

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How leaders achieve the goals.


In the post Leadership Matters , of this series about Leadership, I blogged about the importance of having an effective leader and then analyzed Anna Hazare, the 74 year old youth icon of India and obviously and effective leader. The gist of this post would be understand how a effective leader puts his vision into practice, gets his vision transformed into reality, aligns the available resources to achieve the set goal.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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Analyzing Anna : The 74 year old Youth Icon


Anna Hazare is the hottest name across India these days…He has been a social activist for long but was little known to people outside his home state Maharashtra. One fine day, he rose, raised voice against corruption and that’s it, Anna hazare is the face of desperate India that wants to get rid of Corruption. He is tagged as the second Gandhi. This movement of India is being termed as India's second struggle of Independence, this time its about freedom from Corruption.

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Leadership Matters…You bet.


Leadership has always been a topic of debate but these days with turbulence factor of the economy and the corporations increasing each passing day, the emphasis on leadership has increased proportionally. Quite a few organizations have policy of mandatory training and for top management, workshops, seminars, executive courses are must on the menu. So why is that everybody so crazy about leadership?

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India Retail Story: Analysing Innovation


The geographies, the sectors, the services, the business models could vary from business to business, but one thing is common for every business and that is the Customer Loyalty. There are obvious reasons for having Loyal customers. The cost of acquiring new customer is more, the loyal customers does marketing of the business through the most effective way of marketing called "Word of Mouth".

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Healthy HR Initiative for a Healthy Workforce


Thanks to the fast paced, stressful life, fitness has become a major concern for everybody these days. Right from individuals to organizations. Its really important for organization to ensure its employees are in the best of their fitness to ensure projects do not fall prey to sick leaves. The responsibility is on the Human Resource team to ensure the fitness of the workforce is at its peak.

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How AI Can Help You Build Better Products: 10 Tools To Save You Time

AI is everywhere: from self-driving cars to text generation, to creating images and music. So, how can product managers use AI to save time and build better products? AI can help with research, feedback management, user engagement, and roadmapping. With AI, product managers can work faster and smarter. In this guide, we’ll show how product managers can use AI to build better products.